import "typings-global"; import * as interfaces from "./smartcli.interfaces"; import plugins = require("./smartcli.plugins"); import SmartcliChecks = require("./smartcli.checks"); /** * gets the second or higher value of plugins.argv._ if specified and returns it as commandArgument * @param argumentLevel * @returns {{specified: (boolean|boolean), name}} */ export let commandArgument = function(argumentLevel):interfaces.CliCommandArgument { var commandArgument:interfaces.CliCommandArgument = { specified: false, name: "undefined", level:argumentLevel }; if(argumentLevel < 1) { plugins.beautylog.error("smartcli.get.argument cannot be invoked with an argumentLevel smaller than 1"); return commandArgument; } if(SmartcliChecks.commandArgumentPresence(argumentLevel)) { commandArgument.specified = true; = plugins.argv._[argumentLevel]; } return commandArgument; }; /** * returns array with commandArgs * @returns {CliCommandArgument[]} */ export let commandArgs = function():interfaces.CliCommandArgument[] { var commandArgs:interfaces.CliCommandArgument[] = []; var argsArray = commandArray().slice(0); argsArray.shift(); for (let item in argsArray){ let commandArgument:interfaces.CliCommandArgument = { specified:true, name:argsArray[item], level: parseInt(item) + 1 } commandArgs.push(commandArgument); } return commandArgs; }; /** * returns complete command array * @returns {any} */ export let commandArray = function ():string[] { var commandArray = plugins.argv._; return commandArray; }; /** * returns a cli option * @param optionName * @returns {CliOption} */ export let option = function(optionName:string):interfaces.CliOption { var cliOption:interfaces.CliOption = { name:optionName, specified: false, value: false }; if (plugins.smartparam.exists(plugins.argv,optionName)) { = optionName; cliOption.specified = true; cliOption.value = plugins.argv[optionName] //we already know from the "if" above that the value is available. } return cliOption; }; export let options = function() { var options = {}; for (var key in plugins.argv) { if (key != "_") { options['key'] = plugins.argv['key']; } } return options; }; /** * returns Directory of cwd * @returns {{path: string}} */ export let cwd = function():interfaces.Directory { return { path: process.cwd() } };