/// import * as interfaces from "./smartcli.interfaces" import * as plugins from "./smartcli.plugins" import * as SmartcliChecks from "./smartcli.checks"; import * as SmartcliGetters from "./smartcli.getters"; import * as SmartcliInteractions from "./smartcli.interaction"; /* ------------------------------------------------ * * ---------- plugins for direct use -------------- * * ------------------------------------------------ */ export let commander = plugins.commander; //commander allows cool chaining of cli actions export let inquirer = plugins.inquirer; //inquirer is for asking questions export let cliff = plugins.cliff; // formats cli output export let argv = plugins.argv; //argv gets initial cli commands and options. /* ------------------------------------------------ * * ---------- checks ------------------------------ * * ------------------------------------------------ */ export let check = SmartcliChecks; /* ------------------------------------------------ * * ---------- getters ----------------------------- * * ------------------------------------------------ */ export let get = SmartcliGetters; /* ------------------------------------------------ * * ---------- interaction ----------------------------- * * ------------------------------------------------ */ export let interaction = SmartcliInteractions;