import { tap, expect } from 'tapbundle' import { Subject } from 'rxjs' import smartcli = require('../ts/index') let smartCliTestObject: smartcli.Smartcli tap.test('should create a new Smartcli', async () => { smartCliTestObject = new smartcli.Smartcli() expect(smartCliTestObject) }) tap.test('should add an command', async () => { expect(smartCliTestObject.addCommand('awesome')) }) tap.test('should start parsing a standardTask', async () => { expect(smartCliTestObject.standardTask()) }) let hasExecuted: boolean = false tap.test('should accept a command', async () => { smartCliTestObject.addTrigger('triggerme') .subscribe(() => { hasExecuted = true }) expect(smartCliTestObject.addTrigger('triggerme')) }) tap.test('should not have executed yet', async () => { expect(hasExecuted) }) tap.test('should execute when triggered', async () => { smartCliTestObject.trigger('triggerme') expect(hasExecuted).be.true() }) tap.test('should start parsing the CLI input', async () => { smartCliTestObject.startParse() expect(smartCliTestObject.parseStarted.promise) }) tap.start()