import { expect, expectAsync, tap } from '@pushrocks/tapbundle'; import * as smartclickhouse from '../ts/index'; let testClickhouseDb: smartclickhouse.ClickhouseDb; tap.test('first test', async () => { testClickhouseDb = new smartclickhouse.ClickhouseDb({ url: 'http://localhost', port: 8123, }); }); tap.test('should start the clickhouse db', async () => { await testClickhouseDb.start(); }) tap.test('should write something to the clickhouse db', async () => { const result = await testClickhouseDb.clickhouseClient.query(`CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS lossless`); console.log(result); const result2 = await testClickhouseDb.clickhouseClient.query(`CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS lossless.visits ( timestamp UInt64, ip String, os String, userAgent String, version String )`); console.log(result); }) tap.start();