import * as plugins from './smartcsv.plugins'; export interface ICsvConstructorOptions { headers: boolean; unquote?: boolean; } export class Csv { // STATIC /** * creates a Csv Object from string * @param csvStringArg * @param optionsArg */ public static async createCsvFromString( csvStringArg: string, optionsArg: ICsvConstructorOptions ): Promise { const csvInstance = new Csv(csvStringArg, optionsArg); await csvInstance.exportAsObject(); return csvInstance; } public static async createCsvStringFromArray(arrayArg: any[]): Promise { const foundKeys: string[] = []; // lets deal with the keys for (const objectArg of arrayArg) { for (const key of Object.keys(objectArg)) { foundKeys.includes(key) ? null : foundKeys.push(key); } } // lets deal with the data const dataRows: string[] = []; for (const objectArg of arrayArg) { const dataRowArray: string[] = []; for (const key of foundKeys) { dataRowArray.push(objectArg[key]); } dataRows.push(dataRowArray.join(',')); } // lets put togehter the csv string and return it const headerString = foundKeys.join(','); const dataString = dataRows.join('\n'); const csvString = `${headerString}\n${dataString}\n`; return csvString; } // INSTANCE public csvString: string; public headers: string[]; public keyFrame: string = null; public data: any[]; private base64RecognitionPrefix = '####12345####'; public options: ICsvConstructorOptions = { headers: true, unquote: true }; constructor(csvStringArg: string, optionsArg: ICsvConstructorOptions) { this.options = { ...this.options, ...optionsArg }; let csvStringToParse = csvStringArg; if (this.options.unquote) { csvStringToParse = csvStringToParse.replace( /"(.*?)"/gi, (match, p1, offset, originalString) => { return this.base64RecognitionPrefix + plugins.smartstring.base64.encode(match); } ); } this.csvString = csvStringToParse; this.determineKeyframe(); } /** * determines the keyframe of the csv string */ private determineKeyframe() { let commaLength = 0; let semicolonLength = 0; const commaRegexResult = this.csvString.match(/,/g); const semicolonRegexResult = this.csvString.match(/;/g); if (commaRegexResult) { commaLength = commaRegexResult.length; } if (semicolonRegexResult) { semicolonLength = semicolonRegexResult.length; } // tslint:disable-next-line:prefer-conditional-expression if (commaLength < semicolonLength) { this.keyFrame = ';'; } else { this.keyFrame = ','; } } /** * serializes the csv string */ private serializeCsvString() { const rowArray = this.getRows(); const resultArray = []; if (this.options.headers) { this.getHeaders(); rowArray.shift(); } for (const row of rowArray) { resultArray.push(row.split(this.keyFrame)); } return resultArray; } /** * gets the rows of the csv */ private getRows(): string[] { const rowsArray = this.csvString.split('\n'); if (rowsArray[rowsArray.length - 1] === '') { rowsArray.pop(); } return rowsArray; } private getHeaders() { const rowArray = this.getRows(); if (this.options.headers) { let headerRow = rowArray[0]; this.headers = headerRow.split(this.keyFrame); if (this.options.unquote) { const unquotedHeaders: string[] = []; for (let header of this.headers) { if (header.startsWith(this.base64RecognitionPrefix)) { header = header.replace(this.base64RecognitionPrefix, ''); unquotedHeaders.push(plugins.smartstring.base64.decode(header).replace(/['"]+/g, '')); } else { unquotedHeaders.push(header); } } this.headers = unquotedHeaders; } } return this.headers; } private createDataObject(dataArray: string[]) { const neededIterations = dataArray.length; let resultJson: any = {}; for (let i = 0; i < neededIterations; i++) { let value = dataArray[i]; if (this.options.unquote && value.startsWith(this.base64RecognitionPrefix)) { value = value.replace(this.base64RecognitionPrefix, ''); value = plugins.smartstring.base64 .decode(value) .replace(/['"]+/g, '') .replace(/['"]+/g, ''); } resultJson[this.headers[i]] = value; } return resultJson; } public async exportAsObject(): Promise { const serializedData = this.serializeCsvString(); const dataObjects = []; for (const dataArray of serializedData) { dataObjects.push(this.createDataObject(dataArray)); } = dataObjects; return dataObjects; } }