import * as plugins from './smartdaemon.plugins'; import { logger } from './smartdamon.logging'; import { settingsReference } from './smartdaemon.settings'; import { templateReference } from './smartdaemon.templates'; const smartshellInstance = new plugins.smartshell.Smartshell({ executor: 'bash' }); /** * print success message * @method setup.success * @param {string} message */ export const setupSuccess = (message: string) => { logger.log('success', `service-systemd: ${message}`); }; /** * print error message * @method * @param {string} message */ export const setupFail = (message) => { logger.log('error', `service-systemd ${message}`); }; /** * install the service * can also be used to update the service * @method setup.add * @param {object} settings * @return {string} */ export const setupAdd = async (settings) => { setupCheckSettings(settings); const contents = setupParse(settings); await setupCheckPaths(settings); await setupAddLog(settings); await setupAddScripts(settings, contents); await setupAddLogrotate(settings, contents); return `service ${} installed`; }; /** * remove the service * @method setup.remove * @param {string} service service name * @return {string} */ export const setupRemove = async (service) => { if (!service) { throw new Error('Missing argument: service name'); } const cmd = `systemctl disable ${service}.service`; logger.log('info', `service-systemd > ${cmd}`); await smartshellInstance.exec(cmd); let file = plugins.path.join('/etc/systemd/system', `${service}.service`); logger.log('info', `service-systemd remove ${file}`); await plugins.fs.unlink(file); file = plugins.path.join('/usr/local/bin', `systemd-${service}-start`); logger.log('info', `service-systemd remove ${file}`); await plugins.fs.unlink(file); file = plugins.path.join('/etc/logrotate.d', service); logger.log('info', `service-systemd remove ${file}`); await plugins.fs.unlink(file); return `service ${service} uninstalled`; }; /** * check mandatories params and paths * @method setup.checkSettings * @param {object} settings */ export const setupCheckSettings = (settings) => { if (! { = settings.service; } delete settings.service; const paths = []; for (const optionArg of Object.keys(settingsReference)) { const option = settingsReference[optionArg]; if (option.mandatory && !settings[optionArg]) { throw new Error(`Missing ${optionArg} in settings file or arguments`); } if (option.fs) { settings[optionArg] = plugins.path.resolve(settings[optionArg]); } } }; /** * check mandatories params and paths * @method setup.checkPaths * @param {object} settings */ export const setupCheckPaths = async (settings) => { const exists = []; for (const optionArg of Object.keys(settingsReference)) { const option = settingsReference[optionArg]; if (option.fs) { exists.push((async () => { const exists2 = await plugins.fs.pathExists(settings[optionArg]); if (!exists2) { throw Error(`path ${settings[optionArg]} (${optionArg}) does not exists`); } })()); } } await Promise.all(exists); }; /** * merge settings with templates * create scripts contents * @method setup.parse * @param {object} settings */ export const setupParse = (settings) => { if (settings.env) { settings.envs = ''; for (const key of Object.keys(settings.env)) { settings.envs += 'Environment=' + key + '=' + settings.env[key] + '\n'; } } settings.user = settings.user ? `User=${settings.user}` : ''; = ? `Group=${}` : ''; = (new Date()).toString(); for (const key in settings) { if (typeof settings[key] === 'string') { settings[key] = plugins.string.template(settings[key], settings, true); } } const _service = plugins.string.template(templateReference.engines[settings.engine].service, settings, true); const _start = plugins.string.template(templateReference.engines[settings.engine].start, settings, true); const _stop = plugins.string.template(templateReference.engines[settings.engine].stop, settings, true); const _logrotate = settings.logrotate ? plugins.string.template(templateReference.logrotate, settings, true) : ''; return { service: _service, start: _start, stop: _stop, logrotate: _logrotate }; }; /** * write scripts and run commands to install the service * @method setup.addScripts * @param {object} settings * @param {object} contents scripts contents * @param {string} contents.start * @param {string} contents.stop * @param {string} contents.service */ export const setupAddScripts = async (settings, contents) => { const service = plugins.path.join('/etc/systemd/system', `${}.service`); const tasks = []; if (contents.start) { tasks.push(() => { const start = plugins.path.join('/usr/local/bin', `systemd-${}-start`); logger.log('info', `service-systemd: write file ${start}`); return plugins.fs.writeFile(start, contents.start, 'utf8'); }); } if (contents.stop) { tasks.push(() => { const stop = plugins.path.join('/usr/local/bin', `systemd-${}-stop`); logger.log('info', `service-systemd: write file ${stop}`); return plugins.fs.writeFile(stop, contents.stop, { encoding: 'utf8' }); }); } if (contents.start || contents.stop) { tasks.push(() => { const cmd = `chmod a+x /usr/local/bin/systemd-${}*`; logger.log('info', `service-systemd > ${cmd}`); return smartshellInstance.exec(cmd); }); } tasks.push(() => { logger.log('info', `service-systemd write file ${service}`); return plugins.fs.writeFile(service, contents.service, 'utf8'); }); tasks.push(() => { const cmd = `systemctl enable ${service};systemctl daemon-reload`; logger.log('info', `service-systemd > ${cmd}`); return smartshellInstance.exec(cmd); }); for (const task of tasks) { await task(); } }; /** * ensure dirs for log files * @method setup.addLog * @param {object} settings */ export const setupAddLog = async (settings) => { const tasks = []; let dirLog; let dirError; if (settings.log) { dirLog = plugins.path.dirname(settings.log); logger.log('info', `service-systemd: ensure dir ${dirLog}`); tasks.push(plugins.fs.ensureDir(dirLog)); } if (settings.error) { dirError = plugins.path.dirname(settings.error); if (dirError !== dirLog) { logger.log('info', `service-systemd ensure dir ${dirError}`); tasks.push(plugins.fs.ensureDir(dirError)); } } await Promise.all(tasks); }; /** * write logrotate conf script * @method setup.addLogrotate * @param {object} settings * @param {object} contents scripts contents * @param {string} contents.start * @param {string} contents.stop * @param {string} contents.service */ export const setupAddLogrotate = async (settings, contents) => { if (!settings.logrotate) { return; } const file = plugins.path.join('/etc/logrotate.d/',; logger.log('info', `service-systemd: write logrotate file ${file}`); await plugins.fs.writeFile(file, contents.logrotate, 'utf8'); };