import { tap, expect } from '@pushrocks/tapbundle'; import { Qenv } from '@pushrocks/qenv'; const testQenv = new Qenv(process.cwd(), process.cwd() + '/.nogit/'); // the tested module import * as smartdata from '../ts/index'; import { smartstring } from '../ts/smartdata.plugins'; import * as smartunique from '@pushrocks/smartunique'; import * as mongoPlugin from 'mongodb-memory-server'; // ======================================= // Connecting to the database server // ======================================= let testDb: smartdata.SmartdataDb; let smartdataOptions: smartdata.ISmartdataOptions; let mongod: mongoPlugin.MongoMemoryServer; tap.test('should create a testinstance as database', async () => { mongod = new mongoPlugin.MongoMemoryServer(); smartdataOptions = { mongoDbName: await mongod.getDbName(), mongoDbPass: '', mongoDbUrl: await mongod.getConnectionString() }; console.log(smartdataOptions); testDb = new smartdata.SmartdataDb(smartdataOptions); }); tap.skip.test('should create a smartdb', async () => { testDb = new smartdata.SmartdataDb({ mongoDbName: testQenv.getEnvVarOnDemand('MONGO_DBNAME'), mongoDbUrl: testQenv.getEnvVarOnDemand('MONGO_URL'), mongoDbPass: testQenv.getEnvVarOnDemand('MONGO_PASS') }); }); tap.test('should establish a connection to the rethink Db cluster', async () => { await testDb.init(); }); // ======================================= // The actual tests // ======================================= // ------ // Collections // ------ @smartdata.Collection(() => { return testDb; }) class Car extends smartdata.SmartDataDbDoc { @smartdata.unI() public index: string = smartunique.shortId(); @smartdata.svDb() public color: string; @smartdata.svDb() public brand: string; constructor(colorArg: string, brandArg: string) { super(); this.color = colorArg; this.brand = brandArg; } } tap.test('should save the car to the db', async () => { const myCar = new Car('red', 'Volvo'); await; const myCar2 = new Car('red', 'Renault'); await; }); tap.test('expect to get instance of Car', async () => { const myCars = await Car.getInstances({ brand: 'Volvo' }); expect(myCars[0].color).to.equal('red'); }); tap.test('expect to get instance of Car and update it', async () => { const myCar = await Car.getInstance({ brand: 'Volvo' }); expect(myCar.color).to.equal('red'); myCar.color = 'blue'; await; }); tap.test('should be able to update an instance of car', async () => {}); tap.test('should be able to delete an instance of car', async () => {}); // ======================================= // close the database connection // ======================================= tap.test('should close the database connection', async tools => { await testDb.close(); await mongod.stop(); }); tap.start({ throwOnError: true });