import * as plugins from './plugins.js'; import { DnsSec } from './classes.dnssec.js'; import * as dnsPacket from 'dns-packet'; interface IDnsServerOptions { httpsKey: string; httpsCert: string; httpsPort: number; udpPort: number; dnssecZone: string; } interface DnsAnswer { name: string; type: string; class: string | number; ttl: number; data: any; } interface IDnsHandler { domainPattern: string; recordTypes: string[]; handler: (question: dnsPacket.Question) => DnsAnswer | null; } // Define types for DNSSEC records if not provided interface DNSKEYData { flags: number; algorithm: number; key: Buffer; } interface RRSIGData { typeCovered: string; // Changed to string to match dns-packet expectations algorithm: number; labels: number; originalTTL: number; expiration: number; inception: number; keyTag: number; signerName: string; signature: Buffer; } export class DnsServer { private udpServer: plugins.dgram.Socket; private httpsServer: plugins.https.Server; private handlers: IDnsHandler[] = []; // DNSSEC related properties private dnsSec: DnsSec; private dnskeyRecord: DNSKEYData; private keyTag: number; constructor(private options: IDnsServerOptions) { // Initialize DNSSEC this.dnsSec = new DnsSec({ zone: options.dnssecZone, algorithm: 'ECDSA', // You can change this based on your needs keySize: 256, days: 365, }); // Generate DNSKEY and DS records const { dsRecord, dnskeyRecord } = this.dnsSec.getDsAndKeyPair(); // Parse DNSKEY record into dns-packet format this.dnskeyRecord = this.parseDNSKEYRecord(dnskeyRecord); this.keyTag = this.computeKeyTag(this.dnskeyRecord); } public registerHandler( domainPattern: string, recordTypes: string[], handler: (question: dnsPacket.Question) => DnsAnswer | null ): void { this.handlers.push({ domainPattern, recordTypes, handler }); } private processDnsRequest(request: dnsPacket.Packet): dnsPacket.Packet { const response: dnsPacket.Packet = { type: 'response', id:, flags: dnsPacket.AUTHORITATIVE_ANSWER | dnsPacket.RECURSION_AVAILABLE | (request.flags & dnsPacket.RECURSION_DESIRED ? dnsPacket.RECURSION_DESIRED : 0), questions: request.questions, answers: [], additionals: [], }; const dnssecRequested = this.isDnssecRequested(request); for (const question of request.questions) { console.log(`Query for ${} of type ${question.type}`); let answered = false; // Handle DNSKEY queries if DNSSEC is requested if (dnssecRequested && question.type === 'DNSKEY' && === this.options.dnssecZone) { const dnskeyAnswer: DnsAnswer = { name:, type: 'DNSKEY', class: 'IN', ttl: 3600, data: this.dnskeyRecord, }; response.answers.push(dnskeyAnswer as plugins.dnsPacket.Answer); // Sign the DNSKEY RRset const rrsig = this.generateRRSIG('DNSKEY', [dnskeyAnswer],; response.answers.push(rrsig as plugins.dnsPacket.Answer); answered = true; continue; } for (const handlerEntry of this.handlers) { if ( plugins.minimatch.minimatch(, handlerEntry.domainPattern) && handlerEntry.recordTypes.includes(question.type) ) { const answer = handlerEntry.handler(question); if (answer) { // Ensure the answer has ttl and class const dnsAnswer: DnsAnswer = { ...answer, ttl: answer.ttl || 300, class: answer.class || 'IN', }; response.answers.push(dnsAnswer as plugins.dnsPacket.Answer); if (dnssecRequested) { // Sign the answer RRset const rrsig = this.generateRRSIG(question.type, [dnsAnswer],; response.answers.push(rrsig as plugins.dnsPacket.Answer); } answered = true; break; } } } if (!answered) { console.log(`No handler found for ${} of type ${question.type}`); response.flags |= dnsPacket.AUTHORITATIVE_ANSWER; const soaAnswer: DnsAnswer = { name:, type: 'SOA', class: 'IN', ttl: 3600, data: { mname: `ns1.${this.options.dnssecZone}`, rname: `hostmaster.${this.options.dnssecZone}`, serial: Math.floor( / 1000), refresh: 3600, retry: 600, expire: 604800, minimum: 86400, }, }; response.answers.push(soaAnswer as plugins.dnsPacket.Answer); } } return response; } private isDnssecRequested(request: dnsPacket.Packet): boolean { if (!request.additionals) return false; for (const additional of request.additionals) { if (additional.type === 'OPT' && typeof additional.flags === 'number') { // The DO bit is the 15th bit (0x8000) if (additional.flags & 0x8000) { return true; } } } return false; } private generateRRSIG( type: string, rrset: DnsAnswer[], name: string ): DnsAnswer { // Prepare RRSIG data const algorithm = this.dnsSec.getAlgorithmNumber(); const keyTag = this.keyTag; const signerName = this.options.dnssecZone.endsWith('.') ? this.options.dnssecZone : `${this.options.dnssecZone}.`; const inception = Math.floor( / 1000) - 3600; // 1 hour ago const expiration = inception + 86400; // Valid for 1 day const ttl = rrset[0].ttl || 300; // Serialize the RRset in canonical form const rrsetBuffer = this.serializeRRset(rrset); // Sign the RRset const signature = this.dnsSec.signData(rrsetBuffer); // Construct the RRSIG record const rrsig: DnsAnswer = { name, type: 'RRSIG', class: 'IN', ttl, data: { typeCovered: type, // Changed to type string algorithm, labels: name.split('.').length - 1, originalTTL: ttl, expiration, inception, keyTag, signerName, signature: signature, }, }; return rrsig; } private serializeRRset(rrset: DnsAnswer[]): Buffer { // Implement canonical DNS RRset serialization as per RFC 4034 Section 6 const buffers: Buffer[] = []; for (const rr of rrset) { if (rr.type === 'OPT') { continue; // Skip OPT records } const name ='.') ? : + '.'; const nameBuffer = this.nameToBuffer(name.toLowerCase()); const typeValue = this.qtypeToNumber(rr.type); const typeBuffer = Buffer.alloc(2); typeBuffer.writeUInt16BE(typeValue, 0); const classValue = this.classToNumber(rr.class); const classBuffer = Buffer.alloc(2); classBuffer.writeUInt16BE(classValue, 0); const ttlValue = rr.ttl || 300; const ttlBuffer = Buffer.alloc(4); ttlBuffer.writeUInt32BE(ttlValue, 0); // Serialize the data based on the record type const dataBuffer = this.serializeRData(rr.type,; const rdLengthBuffer = Buffer.alloc(2); rdLengthBuffer.writeUInt16BE(dataBuffer.length, 0); buffers.push(Buffer.concat([nameBuffer, typeBuffer, classBuffer, ttlBuffer, rdLengthBuffer, dataBuffer])); } return Buffer.concat(buffers); } private serializeRData(type: string, data: any): Buffer { // Implement serialization for each record type you support switch (type) { case 'A': return Buffer.from(data.split('.').map((octet: string) => parseInt(octet, 10))); case 'AAAA': // Handle IPv6 addresses return Buffer.from(data.split(':').flatMap((segment: string) => { const num = parseInt(segment, 16); return [num >> 8, num & 0xff]; })); case 'DNSKEY': const dnskeyData: DNSKEYData = data; return Buffer.concat([ Buffer.from([dnskeyData.flags >> 8, dnskeyData.flags & 0xff]), Buffer.from([3]), // Protocol field, always 3 Buffer.from([dnskeyData.algorithm]), dnskeyData.key, ]); case 'SOA': // Implement SOA record serialization if needed // For now, return an empty buffer or handle as needed return Buffer.alloc(0); // Add cases for other record types as needed default: throw new Error(`Serialization for record type ${type} is not implemented.`); } } private parseDNSKEYRecord(dnskeyRecord: string): DNSKEYData { // Parse the DNSKEY record string into dns-packet format const parts = dnskeyRecord.trim().split(/\s+/); const flags = parseInt(parts[3], 10); const algorithm = parseInt(parts[5], 10); const publicKeyBase64 = parts.slice(6).join(''); const key = Buffer.from(publicKeyBase64, 'base64'); return { flags, algorithm, key, }; } private computeKeyTag(dnskeyRecord: DNSKEYData): number { // Compute key tag as per RFC 4034 Appendix B const flags = dnskeyRecord.flags; const algorithm = dnskeyRecord.algorithm; const key = dnskeyRecord.key; const dnskeyRdata = Buffer.concat([ Buffer.from([flags >> 8, flags & 0xff]), Buffer.from([3]), // Protocol field, always 3 Buffer.from([algorithm]), key, ]); let acc = 0; for (let i = 0; i < dnskeyRdata.length; i++) { acc += (i & 1) ? dnskeyRdata[i] : dnskeyRdata[i] << 8; } acc += (acc >> 16) & 0xffff; return acc & 0xffff; } private handleHttpsRequest(req: plugins.http.IncomingMessage, res: plugins.http.ServerResponse): void { if (req.method === 'POST' && req.url === '/dns-query') { let body: Buffer[] = []; req.on('data', (chunk) => { body.push(chunk); }).on('end', () => { const msg = Buffer.concat(body); const request = dnsPacket.decode(msg); const response = this.processDnsRequest(request); const responseData = dnsPacket.encode(response); res.writeHead(200, { 'Content-Type': 'application/dns-message' }); res.end(responseData); }); } else { res.writeHead(404); res.end(); } } public async start(): Promise { this.httpsServer = plugins.https.createServer( { key: this.options.httpsKey, cert: this.options.httpsCert, }, this.handleHttpsRequest.bind(this) ); this.udpServer = plugins.dgram.createSocket('udp4'); this.udpServer.on('message', (msg, rinfo) => { const request = dnsPacket.decode(msg); const response = this.processDnsRequest(request); const responseData = dnsPacket.encode(response); this.udpServer.send(responseData, rinfo.port, rinfo.address); }); this.udpServer.on('error', (err) => { console.error(`UDP Server error:\n${err.stack}`); this.udpServer.close(); }); const udpListeningDeferred = plugins.smartpromise.defer(); const httpsListeningDeferred = plugins.smartpromise.defer(); try { this.udpServer.bind(this.options.udpPort, '', () => { console.log(`UDP DNS server running on port ${this.options.udpPort}`); udpListeningDeferred.resolve(); }); this.httpsServer.listen(this.options.httpsPort, () => { console.log(`HTTPS DNS server running on port ${this.options.httpsPort}`); httpsListeningDeferred.resolve(); }); } catch (err) { console.error('Error starting DNS server:', err); process.exit(1); } await Promise.all([udpListeningDeferred.promise, httpsListeningDeferred.promise]); } public async stop(): Promise { const doneUdp = plugins.smartpromise.defer(); const doneHttps = plugins.smartpromise.defer(); this.udpServer.close(() => { console.log('UDP DNS server stopped'); this.udpServer.unref(); this.udpServer = null; doneUdp.resolve(); }); this.httpsServer.close(() => { console.log('HTTPS DNS server stopped'); this.httpsServer.unref(); this.httpsServer = null; doneHttps.resolve(); }); await Promise.all([doneUdp.promise, doneHttps.promise]); } // Helper methods private qtypeToNumber(type: string): number { const QTYPE_NUMBERS: { [key: string]: number } = { 'A': 1, 'NS': 2, 'CNAME': 5, 'SOA': 6, 'PTR': 12, 'MX': 15, 'TXT': 16, 'AAAA': 28, 'SRV': 33, 'DNSKEY': 48, 'RRSIG': 46, // Add more as needed }; return QTYPE_NUMBERS[type.toUpperCase()] || 0; } private classToNumber(cls: string | number): number { const CLASS_NUMBERS: { [key: string]: number } = { 'IN': 1, 'CH': 3, 'HS': 4, // Add more as needed }; if (typeof cls === 'number') { return cls; } return CLASS_NUMBERS[cls.toUpperCase()] || 1; } private nameToBuffer(name: string): Buffer { const labels = name.split('.'); const buffers = => { const len = Buffer.byteLength(label, 'utf8'); const buf = Buffer.alloc(1 + len); buf.writeUInt8(len, 0); buf.write(label, 1); return buf; }); return Buffer.concat([...buffers, Buffer.from([0])]); // Add root label } }