import * as plugins from './smartexit.plugins'; export class SmartExit { public static processesToEnd = new plugins.lik.Objectmap(); public static async addProcess(childProcessArg: plugins.childProcess.ChildProcess) { SmartExit.processesToEnd.add(childProcessArg); } public static async killAll() { console.log('Checking for remaining child processes before exit...'); if (this.processesToEnd.getArray().length > 0) { console.log('found remaining child processes'); let counter = 1; SmartExit.processesToEnd.forEach(async childProcessArg => { console.log(`killing process #${counter}`); childProcessArg.kill('SIGINT'); counter++; }); } else { console.log(`Everything looks clean. Ready to exit!`); } } } // do app specific cleaning before exiting process.on('exit', async () => { await SmartExit.killAll(); }); // catch ctrl+c event and exit normally process.on('SIGINT', async () => { console.log('Ctrl-C...'); await SmartExit.killAll(); }); //catch uncaught exceptions, trace, then exit normally process.on('uncaughtException', async err => { console.log('Ctrl-C...'); await SmartExit.killAll(); });