import * as plugins from './smartfile.plugins'; import * as fs from './smartfile.fs'; import * as memory from './smartfile.memory'; export interface ISmartfileConstructorOptions { path?: string; contentBuffer?: Buffer; base?: string; } /** * class Smartfile * -> is vinyl file compatible */ export class Smartfile extends plugins.smartjson.Smartjson { // ====== // STATIC // ====== /** * creates a Smartfile from a filePath * @param filePath */ public static async fromFilePath(filePath: string) { filePath = plugins.path.resolve(filePath); const fileBuffer = fs.toBufferSync(filePath); const smartfile = new Smartfile({ path: filePath, contentBuffer: fileBuffer, }); return smartfile; } public static async fromBuffer(filePath: string, contentBufferArg: Buffer) { const smartfile = new Smartfile({ contentBuffer: contentBufferArg, path: filePath, }); return smartfile; } public static async fromString( filePath: string, contentStringArg: string, encodingArg: 'utf8' | 'binary' ) { const smartfile = new Smartfile({ contentBuffer: Buffer.from(contentStringArg, encodingArg), path: filePath, }); return smartfile; } // ======== // INSTANCE // ======== /** * the full path of the file on disk */ @plugins.smartjson.foldDec() public path: string; /** * a parsed path */ @plugins.smartjson.foldDec() public parsedPath: plugins.path.ParsedPath; /** * the content of the file as Buffer */ @plugins.smartjson.foldDec() public contentBuffer: Buffer; /** * The current working directory of the file * Note:this is similar to gulp and different from native node path base */ @plugins.smartjson.foldDec() public base: string; /** * sync the file with disk */ @plugins.smartjson.foldDec() public sync: boolean; /** * the constructor of Smartfile * @param optionsArg */ constructor(optionsArg: ISmartfileConstructorOptions) { super(); if (optionsArg.contentBuffer) { this.contentBuffer = optionsArg.contentBuffer; } else { console.log('created empty Smartfile?'); } this.path = optionsArg.path; this.parsedPath = plugins.path.parse(this.path); this.base = optionsArg.base; } /** * set contents from string * @param contentString */ public setContentsFromString(contentString: string, encodingArg: 'utf8' | 'binary' = 'utf8') { this.contents = new Buffer(contentString, encodingArg); } /** * write file to disk at its original location * Behaviours: * - no argument write to exactly where the file was picked up */ public async write() { await memory.toFs(this.contentBuffer, this.path); } /** * writes the file to path given as argument * @param filePathArg */ public async writeToDiskAtPath(filePathArg: string) { if (!plugins.path.isAbsolute(filePathArg)) { filePathArg = plugins.path.join(process.cwd(), filePathArg); } await memory.toFs(this.contentBuffer, filePathArg); } public async writeToDir(dirPathArg: string) { if (!plugins.path.isAbsolute(dirPathArg)) { dirPathArg = plugins.path.join(process.cwd(), dirPathArg); } const relativePath = this.relative; const filePath = plugins.path.join(dirPathArg, relativePath); await memory.toFs(this.contentBuffer, filePath); } /** * read file from disk */ public async read() {} // ----------------------------------------------- // vinyl compatibility // ----------------------------------------------- /** * vinyl-compatibility: alias of this.contentBuffer */ get contents(): Buffer { return this.contentBuffer; } set contents(contentsArg) { this.contentBuffer = contentsArg; } /** * vinyl-compatibility */ public get cwd() { return process.cwd(); } /** * return relative path of file */ public get relative(): string { return plugins.path.relative(this.base, this.path); } /** * return truw when the file has content */ public isNull(): boolean { if (!this.contentBuffer) { return true; } return false; } /** * return true if contents are Buffer */ public isBuffer(): boolean { if (this.contents instanceof Buffer) { return true; } return false; } public isDirectory() { return false; } public isStream() { return false; } public isSymbolic() { return false; } // update things public updateFileName(fileNameArg: string) { const oldFileName = this.parsedPath.base; this.path = this.path.replace(new RegExp(oldFileName + '$'), fileNameArg); } }