#!/usr/bin/env node /// var smartfile = require("../index.js"); var beautylog = require("beautylog"); var should = require("should"); var vinyl = require("vinyl"); describe("smartfile", function () { describe(".readFileToString".yellow, function () { it("should read a file to a string", function () { should.equal(smartfile.readFileToString("./test/mytest.txt"), "Some TestString &&%$"); }); }); describe(".readFileToObject".yellow, function () { it("should read an " + ".yaml".blue + " file to an object", function () { var testData = smartfile.readFileToObject("./test/mytest.yaml"); testData.should.have.property("key1", "this works"); testData.should.have.property("key2", "this works too"); }); it("should read an " + ".json".blue + " file to an object", function () { var testData = smartfile.readFileToObject("./test/mytest.json"); testData.should.have.property("key1", "this works"); testData.should.have.property("key2", "this works too"); }); }); describe(".readFileToVinyl".yellow, function () { it("should read an " + ".json OR .yaml".blue + " file to an " + "vinyl file object".cyan, function () { var testData = smartfile.readFileToVinyl("./test/mytest.json"); (vinyl.isVinyl(testData)).should.be.true(); }); }); describe(".checks".yellow, function () { describe(".fileExistsSync".yellow, function () { it("should return an accurate boolean", function () { (smartfile.checks.fileExistsSync("./test/mytest.json")).should.be.true(); (smartfile.checks.fileExistsSync("./test/notthere.json")).should.be.false(); }); }); describe(".fileExists".yellow, function () { it("should return a working promise", function () { (smartfile.checks.fileExists("./test/mytest.json")).should.be.Promise(); (smartfile.checks.fileExists("./test/mytest.json")).should.be.fulfilled(); (smartfile.checks.fileExists("./test/notthere.json")).should.not.be.fulfilled(); }); }); }); });