/// import 'typings-global'; export interface IVinylFile { contents: Buffer; base: string; path: string; } /** * allows you to create a gulp stream * from String, from an Array of Strings, from Vinyl File, from an Array of VinylFiles * @param fileArg * @returns stream.Readable * @TODO: make it async; */ export declare let toGulpStream: (fileArg: string | string[] | IVinylFile | IVinylFile[], baseArg?: string) => any; /** * converts file to Object * @param fileStringArg * @param fileTypeArg * @returns {any|any} */ export declare let toObject: (fileStringArg: string, fileTypeArg: string) => any; /** * takes a string and converts it to vinyl file * @param fileArg * @param optionsArg */ export declare let toVinylFileSync: (fileArg: string, optionsArg?: { filename?: string; base?: string; relPath?: string; }) => any; /** * takes a string array and some options and returns a vinylfile array * @param arrayArg * @param optionsArg */ export declare let toVinylArraySync: (arrayArg: string[], optionsArg?: { filename?: string; base?: string; relPath?: string; }) => any[]; /** * takes a vinylFile object and converts it to String */ export declare let vinylToStringSync: (fileArg: IVinylFile) => string; /** * writes string or vinyl file to disk. * @param fileArg * @param fileNameArg * @param fileBaseArg */ export declare let toFs: (fileContentArg: string | IVinylFile, filePathArg: any) => Promise<{}>; export declare let toFsSync: (fileArg: any, filePathArg: string) => void;