import 'typings-global'; import { Smartfile } from './smartfile.classes.smartfile'; /** * * @param filePath * @returns {boolean} */ export declare let fileExistsSync: (filePath: any) => boolean; /** * * @param filePath * @returns {any} */ export declare let fileExists: (filePath: any) => Promise<{}>; /** * Checks if given path points to an existing directory */ export declare let isDirectory: (pathArg: any) => boolean; /** * Checks if a given path points to an existing file */ export declare let isFile: (pathArg: any) => boolean; /** * copies a file from A to B on the local disk */ export declare let copy: (fromArg: string, toArg: string) => Promise<{}>; /** * copies a file SYNCHRONOUSLY from A to B on the local disk */ export declare let copySync: (fromArg: string, toArg: string) => boolean; /** * ensures that a directory is in place */ export declare let ensureDir: (dirPathArg: string) => Promise<{}>; /** * ensures that a directory is in place */ export declare let ensureDirSync: (dirPathArg: string) => void; /** * ensure an empty directory * @executes ASYNC */ export declare let ensureEmptyDir: (dirPathArg: string) => Promise<{}>; /** * ensure an empty directory * @executes SYNC */ export declare let ensureEmptyDirSync: (dirPathArg: string) => void; /** * ensures that a file is on disk * @param filePath the filePath to ensureDir * @param the fileContent to place into a new file in case it doesn't exist yet * @returns Promise * @exec ASYNC */ export declare let ensureFile: (filePathArg: any, initFileStringArg: any) => Promise; /** * ensures that a file is on disk * @param filePath the filePath to ensureDir * @param the fileContent to place into a new file in case it doesn't exist yet * @returns Promise * @exec SYNC */ export declare let ensureFileSync: (filePathArg: string, initFileStringArg: string) => void; /** * removes a file or folder from local disk */ export declare let remove: (pathArg: string) => Promise; /** * removes a file SYNCHRONOUSLY from local disk */ export declare let removeSync: (pathArg: string) => boolean; /** * removes an array of filePaths from disk */ export declare let removeMany: (filePathArrayArg: string[]) => Promise; /** * like removeFilePathArray but SYNCHRONOUSLY */ export declare let removeManySync: (filePathArrayArg: string[]) => void; /** * * @param filePathArg * @param fileTypeArg * @returns {any} */ export declare let toObjectSync: (filePathArg: any, fileTypeArg?: any) => any; /** * reads a file content to a String * @param filePath * @returns {string|Buffer|any} */ export declare let toStringSync: (filePath: string) => string; export declare let fileTreeToObject: (dirPathArg: string, miniMatchFilter: string) => Promise; /** * * @param filePathArg * @param options * @returns {number} */ export declare let toVinylSync: (filePathArg: any, options?: {}) => any; /** * lets you reload files hot. * @param path * @returns {any} */ export declare let requireReload: (path: string) => any; /** * lists Folders in a directory on local disk * @returns Promise */ export declare let listFolders: (pathArg: string, regexFilter?: RegExp) => Promise<{}>; /** * lists Folders SYNCHRONOUSLY in a directory on local disk * @returns an array with the folder names as strings */ export declare let listFoldersSync: (pathArg: string, regexFilter?: RegExp) => string[]; /** * lists Files in a directory on local disk * @returns Promise */ export declare let listFiles: (pathArg: string, regexFilter?: RegExp) => Promise<{}>; /** * lists Files SYNCHRONOUSLY in a directory on local disk * @returns an array with the folder names as strings */ export declare let listFilesSync: (pathArg: string, regexFilter?: RegExp) => string[]; /** * lists all items (folders AND files) in a directory on local disk * @returns Promise */ export declare let listAllItems: (pathArg: string, regexFilter?: RegExp) => Promise; /** * lists all items (folders AND files) in a directory on local disk * @returns an array with the folder names as strings * @executes SYNC */ export declare let listAllItemsSync: (pathArg: string, regexFilter?: RegExp) => string[]; /** * lists a file tree using a miniMatch filter * note: if the miniMatch Filter is an absolute path, the cwdArg will be omitted * @returns Promise string array with the absolute paths of all matching files */ export declare let listFileTree: (dirPathArg: string, miniMatchFilter: string) => Promise;