import * as smartfile from '../dist/index' import path = require('path') import { expect, tap } from 'tapbundle' import * as vinyl from 'vinyl' // --------------------------- // smartfile.fs // --------------------------- tap.test('.fs.fileExistsSync -> should return an accurate boolean', async () => { expect(smartfile.fs.fileExistsSync('./test/mytest.json')) expect(smartfile.fs.fileExistsSync('./test/notthere.json')).be.false }) tap.test('.fs.fileExists should resolve or reject a promise', async () => { expect(smartfile.fs.fileExists('./test/mytest.json')) await expect(smartfile.fs.fileExists('./test/mytest.json')) await expect(smartfile.fs.fileExists('./test/notthere.json')) }) tap.test('.fs.listFoldersSync() -> should get the file type from a string', async () => { expect(smartfile.fs.listFoldersSync('./test/')).to.deep.include('testfolder') expect(smartfile.fs.listFoldersSync('./test/')).to.not.deep.include('notExistentFolder') }) tap.test('.fs.listFolders() -> should get the file type from a string', async () => { let folderArrayArg = await smartfile.fs.listFolders('./test/') expect(folderArrayArg).to.deep.include('testfolder') expect(folderArrayArg).to.not.deep.include('notExistentFolder') }) tap.test('.fs.listFilesSync() -> should get the file type from a string', async () => { expect(smartfile.fs.listFilesSync('./test/')).to.deep.include('mytest.json') expect(smartfile.fs.listFilesSync('./test/')).to.not.deep.include('notExistentFile') expect(smartfile.fs.listFilesSync('./test/', /mytest\.json/)).to.deep.include('mytest.json') expect(smartfile.fs.listFilesSync('./test/', /mytests.json/)).to.not.deep.include('mytest.json') }) tap.test('.fs.listFiles() -> should get the file type from a string', async () => { let folderArrayArg = await smartfile.fs.listFiles('./test/') expect(folderArrayArg).to.deep.include('mytest.json') expect(folderArrayArg).to.not.deep.include('notExistentFile') }) tap.test('.fs.listFileTree() -> should get a file tree', async () => { let folderArrayArg = await smartfile.fs.listFileTree(path.resolve('./test/'), '**/*.txt') expect(folderArrayArg).to.deep.include('testfolder/testfile1.txt') expect(folderArrayArg).to.not.deep.include('mytest.json') }) tap.test('.fs.fileTreeToObject -> should read a file tree into an Object', async () => { let fileArrayArg = await smartfile.fs.fileTreeToObject(path.resolve('./test/'), '**/*.txt') expect(fileArrayArg[0].contents.toString()) // expect(fileArrayArg[1]) }) tap.test('.fs.copy() -> should copy a directory', async () => { smartfile.fs.copy('./test/testfolder/', './test/temp/') }) tap.test('.fs.copy() -> should copy a file', async () => { smartfile.fs.copy('./test/mytest.yaml', './test/temp/') }) tap.test('.fs.copy() -> should copy a file and rename it', async () => { smartfile.fs.copy('./test/mytest.yaml', './test/temp/mytestRenamed.yaml') }) tap.test('.fs.remove() -> should remove an entire directory', async () => { }) tap.test('.fs.remove -> should remove single files', async () => { await expect(smartfile.fs.remove('./test/temp/mytestRenamed.yaml')) }) tap.test('.fs.removeSync -> should remove single files synchronouly', async () => { smartfile.fs.removeSync('./test/temp/testfile1.txt') expect(smartfile.fs.fileExistsSync('./test/temp/testfile1.txt')) }) tap.test('.fs.removeMany -> should remove and array of files', async () => { smartfile.fs.removeMany([ './test/temp/testfile1.txt', './test/temp/testfile2.txt' ]).then(() => { expect(smartfile.fs.fileExistsSync('./test/temp/testfile1.txt')) expect(smartfile.fs.fileExistsSync('./test/temp/testfile2.txt')) }) }) tap.test('.fs.removeManySync -> should remove and array of single files synchronouly', async () => { smartfile.fs.removeManySync([ './test/temp/testfile1.txt', './test/temp/testfile2.txt' ]) expect(smartfile.fs.fileExistsSync('./test/temp/testfile1.txt')) expect(smartfile.fs.fileExistsSync('./test/temp/testfile2.txt')) }) tap.test('.fs.toObjectSync() -> should read an ' + '.yaml' + ' file to an object', async () => { let testData = smartfile.fs.toObjectSync('./test/mytest.yaml') expect(testData)'key1', 'this works') expect(testData)'key2', 'this works too') }) tap.test('.fs.toObjectSync() -> should state unknown file type for unknown file types', async () => { let testData = smartfile.fs.toObjectSync('./test/mytest.txt') }) tap.test('.fs.toObjectSync() -> should read an ' + '.json' + ' file to an object', async () => { let testData = smartfile.fs.toObjectSync('./test/mytest.json') expect(testData)'key1', 'this works') expect(testData)'key2', 'this works too') }) tap.test('.fs.toStringSync() -> should read a file to a string', async () => { expect(smartfile.fs.toStringSync('./test/mytest.txt')) .to.equal('Some TestString &&%$') }) tap.test('.fs.toVinylSync -> should read an ' + '.json OR .yaml' + ' file to an ' + 'vinyl file object', async () => { let testData = smartfile.fs.toVinylSync('./test/mytest.json') expect(vinyl.isVinyl(testData)) }) // --------------------------- // smartfile.interpreter // --------------------------- tap.test('.interpreter.filetype() -> should get the file type from a string', async () => { expect(smartfile.interpreter.filetype('./somefolder/data.json')).equal('json') }) // --------------------------- // smartfile.memory // --------------------------- tap.test('.memory.toVinylFileSync() -> should produce a vinylFile', async () => { let localString = 'myString' let localOptions = { filename: 'vinylfile2', base: '/someDir' } expect(smartfile.memory.toVinylFileSync(localString, localOptions) instanceof vinyl) }) tap.test('.memory.toVinylArraySync() -> should produce a an array of vinylfiles', async () => { let localStringArray = [ 'string1', 'string2', 'string3' ] let localOptions = { filename: 'vinylfile2', base: '/someDir' } let testResult = smartfile.memory.toVinylArraySync(localStringArray, localOptions) expect(testResult)'array') expect(testResult.length === 3) for (let myKey in testResult) { expect(testResult[ myKey ] instanceof vinyl) } }) tap.test('.memory.vinylToStringSync() -> should produce a String from vinyl file', async () => { let localString = smartfile.memory.vinylToStringSync(new vinyl({ base: '/', path: '/test.txt', contents: new Buffer('myString') })) expect(localString).equal('myString') }) tap.test('.memory.toFs() -> should write a file to disk and return a promise', async () => { let localString = 'myString' await smartfile.memory.toFs( localString, path.join(process.cwd(), './test/temp/testMemToFs.txt') ) }) tap.test('.memory.toFsSync() -> should write a file to disk and return true if successfull', async () => { let localString = 'myString' smartfile.memory.toFsSync( localString, path.join(process.cwd(), './test/temp/testMemToFsSync.txt') ) }) tap.test('.remote.toString() -> should load a remote file to a variable', async () => { let responseString = await smartfile.remote.toString( '' ) expect(responseString).to.equal('Some TestString &&%$') }) tap.test('.remote.toString() -> should reject a Promise when the link is false', async () => { await expect(smartfile.remote.toString('')) }) // --------------------------- // smartfile.Smartfile // --------------------------- tap.test('.Smartfile -> should produce vinyl compatible files', async () => { let smartfileArray = await smartfile.fs.fileTreeToObject(process.cwd(), './test/testfolder/**/*') let localSmartfile = smartfileArray[0] expect(localSmartfile) expect(localSmartfile.contents) expect(localSmartfile.isBuffer()) expect(localSmartfile.isDirectory()) expect(localSmartfile.isNull()) }) tap.start()