import { tap, expect } from ''; import * as smartgit from '../ts/index.js'; import * as smartpath from ''; import * as path from 'path'; let testSmartgitInstance: smartgit.Smartgit; const packageDir = path.join(smartpath.get.dirnameFromImportMetaUrl(import.meta.url), '../'); const testRepoDir = path.join(packageDir, './.nogit/testrepo'); const testRepoDirSmartfile = path.join(packageDir, './.nogit/pushrocks_smartfile'); tap.test('should create a valid smartgit instance', async () => { testSmartgitInstance = new smartgit.Smartgit(); await testSmartgitInstance.init(); expect(testSmartgitInstance).toBeInstanceOf(smartgit.Smartgit); }); tap.test('should create a new repo at .nogit', async () => { const gitRepo = await testSmartgitInstance.createRepoByOpen(testRepoDir); }); tap.test('should clone a repo', async () => { const gitRepo = await testSmartgitInstance.createRepoByClone( '', testRepoDirSmartfile ); }); tap.test('should open a repo', async () => { const gitRepo = await testSmartgitInstance.createRepoByOpen(packageDir); const diff = await gitRepo.getUncommittedDiff([ 'pnpm-lock.yaml', ]); console.log(diff); }); tap.test('should get the diff to HEAD', async () => { const gitRepo = await testSmartgitInstance.createRepoByOpen(packageDir); const diff = await gitRepo.getUncommittedDiff([ 'pnpm-lock.yaml', ]); console.log(diff); }); tap.test('should print all commit messages', async () => { const gitRepo = await testSmartgitInstance.createRepoByOpen(packageDir); const commitMessages = await gitRepo.getAllCommitMessages(); console.log(commitMessages); }); await tap.start();