/// import * as q from 'q'; /** * class GitRepo allows access to git directories from node */ export declare class GitRepo { repoBase: string; constructor(repoBaseArg: string); /** * checks if the Repo is valid */ check(): boolean; /** * stage all files in working directory * @executes SYNC */ addAll(): q.Promise<{}>; /** * add a remote to the GitRepo */ remoteAdd(remoteNameArg: string, remoteLinkArg: string): q.Promise<{}>; /** * list remotes for a Gip */ remoteList(): q.Promise<{}>; /** * remove remote */ remoteRemove(dirPathArg: string): q.Promise<{}>; /** * commit all files that are currently staged */ commit(commitMessage: string): q.Promise<{}>; /** * pull latest changes from remote */ pull(sourceArg?: string, branchArg?: string): q.Promise<{}>; /** * push new commits to remote */ push(remoteNameArg?: string, remoteBranchArg?: string): q.Promise<{}>; /** * sync */ sync(): void; /** * get the current status */ status(): q.Promise<{}>; } /** * creates a new GitRepo Instance after cloning a project */ export declare let createRepoFromClone: (fromArg: string, toArg: string) => q.Promise; /** * creates a new GitRepo instance after initializing a new Git Repository */ export declare let createRepoFromInit: (destinationDirArg: string) => void;