// this file contains the implementation of the standard gulp api import * as plugins from './smartgulp.plugins'; import { GulpStream } from './smartgulp.classes.gulpstream'; import { Transform } from 'stream'; import { Smartfile } from 'smartfile'; export let src = (minimatchPathArrayArg: string[]): Transform => { let gulpStream = new GulpStream(); let handleFiles = async () => { let smartfileArray: Smartfile[] = []; for (let minimatchPath of minimatchPathArrayArg) { let localSmartfileArray = await plugins.smartfile.fs.fileTreeToObject( process.cwd(), minimatchPath ); smartfileArray = plugins.lodash.concat(smartfileArray, localSmartfileArray); } gulpStream.pipeSmartfileArray(smartfileArray); }; handleFiles().catch(err => { console.log(err); }); return gulpStream.stream; }; export let dest = (dirArg: string) => {}; export let replace = () => { return plugins.through2.obj( async (file: Smartfile, enc, cb) => { await file.write(); cb(null, file); }, cb => { cb(); } ); };