From a0e8deca397d257789292967f24755069bf663b6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Phil Kunz Date: Sun, 26 Feb 2017 02:08:25 +0100 Subject: [PATCH] added getTemplateForFile --- dist/index.d.ts | 13 +- dist/index.js | 27 ++- ts/index.ts | 18 +- yarn.lock | 498 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 4 files changed, 550 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-) create mode 100644 yarn.lock diff --git a/dist/index.d.ts b/dist/index.d.ts index 55823b5..b2bff12 100644 --- a/dist/index.d.ts +++ b/dist/index.d.ts @@ -1,4 +1,15 @@ +/// import 'typings-global'; export declare type TTemplateStringType = 'filePath' | 'code'; +/** + * registers a directory of partials to make them available within handlebars compilation + */ export declare let registerPartialDir: (dirPathArg: string) => void; -export declare let compileDirectory: (originDirPathArg: string, destinationDirPathArg: string, dataFileNameArg: string) => void; +/** + * compiles a directory and outputs it + */ +export declare let compileDirectory: (originDirPathArg: string, destinationDirPathArg: string, dataFileNameArg: string) => Promise; +/** + * get a template for a file on disk + */ +export declare let getTemplateForFile: (filePathArg: string) => Promise; diff --git a/dist/index.js b/dist/index.js index cf9abaf..cab2253 100644 --- a/dist/index.js +++ b/dist/index.js @@ -1,8 +1,19 @@ "use strict"; +var __awaiter = (this && this.__awaiter) || function (thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) { + return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) { + function fulfilled(value) { try { step(; } catch (e) { reject(e); } } + function rejected(value) { try { step(generator["throw"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } } + function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(result.value); }).then(fulfilled, rejected); } + step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next()); + }); +}; require("typings-global"); const handlebars = require("handlebars"); const smartfile = require("smartfile"); const path = require("path"); +/** + * registers a directory of partials to make them available within handlebars compilation + */ exports.registerPartialDir = (dirPathArg) => { smartfile.fs.listFileTree(dirPathArg, '**/*.hbs').then(hbsFileArrayArg => { for (let hbsFilePath of hbsFileArrayArg) { @@ -16,7 +27,10 @@ exports.registerPartialDir = (dirPathArg) => { } }); }; -exports.compileDirectory = (originDirPathArg, destinationDirPathArg, dataFileNameArg) => { +/** + * compiles a directory and outputs it + */ +exports.compileDirectory = (originDirPathArg, destinationDirPathArg, dataFileNameArg) => __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { let hbsFilePathArray = smartfile.fs.listFilesSync(originDirPathArg, /.hbs/); let data = smartfile.fs.toObjectSync(path.join(originDirPathArg, dataFileNameArg)); for (let hbsFilePath of hbsFilePathArray) { @@ -27,5 +41,12 @@ exports.compileDirectory = (originDirPathArg, destinationDirPathArg, dataFileNam console.log('hi ' + output + ' hi'); smartfile.memory.toFsSync(output, path.join(destinationDirPathArg, + '.html')); } -}; -//# sourceMappingURL=data:application/json;base64,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 \ No newline at end of file +}); +/** + * get a template for a file on disk + */ +exports.getTemplateForFile = (filePathArg) => __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { + let filePathAbsolute = path.resolve(filePathArg); + return handlebars.compile(smartfile.fs.toStringSync(filePathAbsolute)); +}); +//# sourceMappingURL=data:application/json;base64,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 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/ts/index.ts b/ts/index.ts index 41814b8..1b5fe0e 100644 --- a/ts/index.ts +++ b/ts/index.ts @@ -4,6 +4,9 @@ import * as smartfile from 'smartfile' import * as path from 'path' export type TTemplateStringType = 'filePath' | 'code' +/** + * registers a directory of partials to make them available within handlebars compilation + */ export let registerPartialDir = (dirPathArg: string) => { smartfile.fs.listFileTree(dirPathArg, '**/*.hbs').then(hbsFileArrayArg => { for (let hbsFilePath of hbsFileArrayArg) { @@ -18,7 +21,10 @@ export let registerPartialDir = (dirPathArg: string) => { }) } -export let compileDirectory = ( +/** + * compiles a directory and outputs it + */ +export let compileDirectory = async ( originDirPathArg: string, destinationDirPathArg: string, dataFileNameArg: string @@ -33,4 +39,12 @@ export let compileDirectory = ( console.log('hi ' + output + ' hi') smartfile.memory.toFsSync(output, path.join(destinationDirPathArg, + '.html')) } -} \ No newline at end of file +} + +/** + * get a template for a file on disk + */ +export let getTemplateForFile = async (filePathArg: string) => { + let filePathAbsolute = path.resolve(filePathArg) + return handlebars.compile(smartfile.fs.toStringSync(filePathAbsolute)) +} diff --git a/yarn.lock b/yarn.lock new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f630ace --- /dev/null +++ b/yarn.lock @@ -0,0 +1,498 @@ +# THIS IS AN AUTOGENERATED FILE. DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE DIRECTLY. +# yarn lockfile v1 + + +"@types/fs-extra@0.x.x": + version "0.0.37" + resolved "" + dependencies: + "@types/node" "*" + +"@types/handlebars@^4.0.31": + version "4.0.31" + resolved "" + +"@types/mocha@^2.2.31": + version "2.2.39" + resolved "" + +"@types/node@*": + version "7.0.5" + resolved "" + +"@types/vinyl@^2.0.0": + version "2.0.0" + resolved "" + dependencies: + "@types/node" "*" + +align-text@^0.1.1, align-text@^0.1.3: + version "0.1.4" + resolved "" + dependencies: + kind-of "^3.0.2" + longest "^1.0.1" + repeat-string "^1.5.2" + +amdefine@>=0.0.4: + version "1.0.1" + resolved "" + +argparse@^1.0.7: + version "1.0.9" + resolved "" + dependencies: + sprintf-js "~1.0.2" + +async@^1.4.0: + version "1.5.2" + resolved "" + +async@~0.2.6: + version "0.2.10" + resolved "" + +balanced-match@^0.4.1: + version "0.4.2" + resolved "" + +brace-expansion@^1.0.0: + version "1.1.6" + resolved "" + dependencies: + balanced-match "^0.4.1" + concat-map "0.0.1" + +buffer-shims@^1.0.0: + version "1.0.0" + resolved "" + +camelcase@^1.0.2: + version "1.2.1" + resolved "" + +center-align@^0.1.1: + version "0.1.3" + resolved "" + dependencies: + align-text "^0.1.3" + lazy-cache "^1.0.3" + +cliui@^2.1.0: + version "2.1.0" + resolved "" + dependencies: + center-align "^0.1.1" + right-align "^0.1.1" + wordwrap "0.0.2" + +clone-buffer@^1.0.0: + version "1.0.0" + resolved "" + +clone-stats@^1.0.0: + version "1.0.0" + resolved "" + +clone@^1.0.0: + version "1.0.2" + resolved "" + +cloneable-readable@^1.0.0: + version "1.0.0" + resolved "" + dependencies: + inherits "^2.0.1" + process-nextick-args "^1.0.6" + through2 "^2.0.1" + +concat-map@0.0.1: + version "0.0.1" + resolved "" + +core-util-is@~1.0.0: + version "1.0.2" + resolved "" + +decamelize@^1.0.0: + version "1.2.0" + resolved "" + +esprima@^3.1.1: + version "3.1.3" + resolved "" + +first-chunk-stream@^2.0.0: + version "2.0.0" + resolved "" + dependencies: + readable-stream "^2.0.2" + +fs-extra@^2.0.0: + version "2.0.0" + resolved "" + dependencies: + graceful-fs "^4.1.2" + jsonfile "^2.1.0" + +fs.realpath@^1.0.0: + version "1.0.0" + resolved "" + +glob@^7.0.0, glob@^7.1.1: + version "7.1.1" + resolved "" + dependencies: + fs.realpath "^1.0.0" + inflight "^1.0.4" + inherits "2" + minimatch "^3.0.2" + once "^1.3.0" + path-is-absolute "^1.0.0" + +graceful-fs@^4.1.2, graceful-fs@^4.1.6: + version "4.1.11" + resolved "" + +handlebars@^4.0.6: + version "4.0.6" + resolved "" + dependencies: + async "^1.4.0" + optimist "^0.6.1" + source-map "^0.4.4" + optionalDependencies: + uglify-js "^2.6" + +home@^1.0.1: + version "1.0.1" + resolved "" + dependencies: + os-homedir "^1.0.1" + +inflight@^1.0.4: + version "1.0.6" + resolved "" + dependencies: + once "^1.3.0" + wrappy "1" + +inherits@2, inherits@^2.0.1, inherits@~2.0.1: + version "2.0.3" + resolved "" + +interpret@^1.0.0: + version "1.0.1" + resolved "" + +is-buffer@^1.0.2: + version "1.1.4" + resolved "" + +is-stream@^1.1.0: + version "1.1.0" + resolved "" + +is-utf8@^0.2.0, is-utf8@^0.2.1: + version "0.2.1" + resolved "" + +isarray@~1.0.0: + version "1.0.0" + resolved "" + +js-yaml@^3.7.0: + version "3.8.1" + resolved "" + dependencies: + argparse "^1.0.7" + esprima "^3.1.1" + +jsonfile@^2.1.0: + version "2.4.0" + resolved "" + optionalDependencies: + graceful-fs "^4.1.6" + +kind-of@^3.0.2: + version "3.1.0" + resolved "" + dependencies: + is-buffer "^1.0.2" + +lazy-cache@^1.0.3: + version "1.0.4" + resolved "" + +longest@^1.0.1: + version "1.0.1" + resolved "" + +minimatch@^3.0.2: + version "3.0.3" + resolved "" + dependencies: + brace-expansion "^1.0.0" + +minimist@~0.0.1: + version "0.0.10" + resolved "" + +once@^1.3.0: + version "1.4.0" + resolved "" + dependencies: + wrappy "1" + +optimist@^0.6.1: + version "0.6.1" + resolved "" + dependencies: + minimist "~0.0.1" + wordwrap "~0.0.2" + +os-homedir@^1.0.1: + version "1.0.2" + resolved "" + +path-is-absolute@^1.0.0: + version "1.0.1" + resolved "" + +path-parse@^1.0.5: + version "1.0.5" + resolved "" + +pify@^2.3.0: + version "2.3.0" + resolved "" + +process-nextick-args@^1.0.6, process-nextick-args@~1.0.6: + version "1.0.7" + resolved "" + +readable-stream@^2.0.2, readable-stream@^2.1.5: + version "2.2.3" + resolved "" + dependencies: + buffer-shims "^1.0.0" + core-util-is "~1.0.0" + inherits "~2.0.1" + isarray "~1.0.0" + process-nextick-args "~1.0.6" + string_decoder "~0.10.x" + util-deprecate "~1.0.1" + +rechoir@^0.6.2: + version "0.6.2" + resolved "" + dependencies: + resolve "^1.1.6" + +remove-trailing-separator@^1.0.1: + version "1.0.1" + resolved "" + +repeat-string@^1.5.2: + version "1.6.1" + resolved "" + +replace-ext@^1.0.0: + version "1.0.0" + resolved "" + +require-reload@0.2.2: + version "0.2.2" + resolved "" + +resolve@^1.1.6: + version "1.3.1" + resolved "" + dependencies: + path-parse "^1.0.5" + +right-align@^0.1.1: + version "0.1.3" + resolved "" + dependencies: + align-text "^0.1.1" + +semver@^5.3.0: + version "5.3.0" + resolved "" + +shelljs@^0.7.4: + version "0.7.6" + resolved "" + dependencies: + glob "^7.0.0" + interpret "^1.0.0" + rechoir "^0.6.2" + +smartfile@^4.1.4: + version "4.1.6" + resolved "" + dependencies: + "@types/fs-extra" "0.x.x" + "@types/vinyl" "^2.0.0" + fs-extra "^2.0.0" + glob "^7.1.1" + js-yaml "^3.7.0" + require-reload "0.2.2" + smartpath "^3.2.7" + smartq "^1.0.4" + smartrequest "^1.0.4" + typings-global "^1.0.14" + vinyl "^2.0.1" + vinyl-file "^3.0.0" + +smartpath@^3.2.7: + version "3.2.8" + resolved "" + dependencies: + home "^1.0.1" + typings-global "^1.0.14" + +smartq@^1.0.4, smartq@^1.1.0: + version "1.1.1" + resolved "" + dependencies: + typed-promisify "^0.3.0" + typings-global "^1.0.14" + +smartrequest@^1.0.4: + version "1.0.4" + resolved "" + dependencies: + smartq "^1.1.0" + typings-global "^1.0.14" + +source-map@^0.4.4: + version "0.4.4" + resolved "" + dependencies: + amdefine ">=0.0.4" + +source-map@~0.5.1: + version "0.5.6" + resolved "" + +sprintf-js@~1.0.2: + version "1.0.3" + resolved "" + +string_decoder@~0.10.x: + version "0.10.31" + resolved "" + +strip-bom-buf@^1.0.0: + version "1.0.0" + resolved "" + dependencies: + is-utf8 "^0.2.1" + +strip-bom-stream@^2.0.0: + version "2.0.0" + resolved "" + dependencies: + first-chunk-stream "^2.0.0" + strip-bom "^2.0.0" + +strip-bom@^2.0.0: + version "2.0.0" + resolved "" + dependencies: + is-utf8 "^0.2.0" + +through2@^2.0.1: + version "2.0.3" + resolved "" + dependencies: + readable-stream "^2.1.5" + xtend "~4.0.1" + +typed-promisify@^0.3.0: + version "0.3.0" + resolved "" + +typings-global@*, typings-global@^1.0.14: + version "1.0.14" + resolved "" + dependencies: + semver "^5.3.0" + shelljs "^0.7.4" + +typings-test@^1.0.3: + version "1.0.3" + resolved "" + dependencies: + "@types/mocha" "^2.2.31" + typings-global "*" + +uglify-js@^2.6: + version "2.7.5" + resolved "" + dependencies: + async "~0.2.6" + source-map "~0.5.1" + uglify-to-browserify "~1.0.0" + yargs "~3.10.0" + +uglify-to-browserify@~1.0.0: + version "1.0.2" + resolved "" + +util-deprecate@~1.0.1: + version "1.0.2" + resolved "" + +vinyl-file@^3.0.0: + version "3.0.0" + resolved "" + dependencies: + graceful-fs "^4.1.2" + pify "^2.3.0" + strip-bom-buf "^1.0.0" + strip-bom-stream "^2.0.0" + vinyl "^2.0.1" + +vinyl@^2.0.1: + version "2.0.1" + resolved "" + dependencies: + clone "^1.0.0" + clone-buffer "^1.0.0" + clone-stats "^1.0.0" + cloneable-readable "^1.0.0" + is-stream "^1.1.0" + remove-trailing-separator "^1.0.1" + replace-ext "^1.0.0" + +window-size@0.1.0: + version "0.1.0" + resolved "" + +wordwrap@0.0.2: + version "0.0.2" + resolved "" + +wordwrap@~0.0.2: + version "0.0.3" + resolved "" + +wrappy@1: + version "1.0.2" + resolved "" + +xtend@~4.0.1: + version "4.0.1" + resolved "" + +yargs@~3.10.0: + version "3.10.0" + resolved "" + dependencies: + camelcase "^1.0.2" + cliui "^2.1.0" + decamelize "^1.0.0" + window-size "0.1.0"