import { expect, tap } from '@pushrocks/tapbundle'; // preparation import { ILogContext } from '@pushrocks/smartlog-interfaces'; import * as smartlog from '@pushrocks/smartlog'; const logContext: ILogContext = { company: 'Lossless GmbH', companyunit: 'Lossless.Cloud', containerName: 'testContainer', environment: 'staging', runtime: 'chrome', zone: 'servezone' }; const logger = new smartlog.Smartlog({ logContext }); // import the module to test import * as smartlogDestinationDevtools from '../ts/index'; let testDestination: smartlogDestinationDevtools.SmartlogDestinationDevtools; tap.test('first test', async () => { testDestination = new smartlogDestinationDevtools.SmartlogDestinationDevtools(); }); tap.test('should log a normal message', async () => { testDestination.handleLog({ timestamp:, type: 'log', context: logContext, level: 'info', message: 'wait, what? Hi, this is a message!', correlation: { id: '123', type: 'none' } }); }); tap.test('should log a success message', async () => { testDestination.handleLog({ timestamp:, context: logContext, type: 'log', level: 'info', message: 'success: Hi, this is a message!', correlation: { id: '123', type: 'none' } }); }); tap.start();