/// var BeautylogPlugins; (function (BeautylogPlugins) { BeautylogPlugins.init = function () { var plugins = { smartenv: require("smartenv") }; return plugins; }; })(BeautylogPlugins || (BeautylogPlugins = {})); /// var tableHelpers = { makeRow: function (cellCounterArg, colorArg) { if (cellCounterArg === void 0) { cellCounterArg = 2; } if (colorArg === void 0) { colorArg = "cyan"; } var rowArray = []; for (var i = 0; i < (cellCounterArg); i++) { rowArray.push(String(i + 1).cyan); } return rowArray; } }; var ConsoleTable = (function () { function ConsoleTable(tableTypeArg, tableHeadArrayArg) { if (tableHeadArrayArg === void 0) { tableHeadArrayArg = tableHelpers.makeRow(); } switch (tableTypeArg) { case "checks": this.tableHead = ['Check Item:'.cyan, 'Status:'.cyan]; break; case "custom": this.tableHead = tableHeadArrayArg; break; default: break; } this.rows = []; this.type = tableTypeArg; } ConsoleTable.prototype.push = function (row) { this.rows.push(row); }; ConsoleTable.prototype.print = function () { var table = new BeautylogOsTable.cliTable({ head: this.tableHead }); for (var row in this.rows) { if (this.rows[row][1] == "success") { this.rows[row][1] = ' '.bgGreen + ' ' + this.rows[row][1]; } else if (this.rows[row][1] == "error") { this.rows[row][1] = ' '.bgRed + ' ' + this.rows[row][1]; } table.push(this.rows[row]); } ; console.log(table.toString()); }; return ConsoleTable; })(); /// var BeautylogNode; (function (BeautylogNode) { function init() { var colors = require("colors"); var clc = require("cli-color"); var beautylogNode = {}; //object to append to all public facing functions var localBl; // object to append to all private params and functions localBl = {}; localBl.dirPrefix = clc.bgXterm(39).xterm(231).bold(' DIR ') + ' '; localBl.errorPrefix = ' Error: '.bgRed.white.bold + ' '; localBl.infoPrefix = clc.bgXterm(198).xterm(231).bold(' INFO ') + ' '; localBl.normalPrefix = ' Log: '.bgCyan.white.bold + ' '; localBl.okPrefix = ' '.bgGreen + ' OK! '.bgBlack.green.bold + ' '; localBl.successPrefix = ' Success: '.bgGreen.white.bold + ' '; localBl.warnPrefix = ' '.bgYellow + ' Warn: '.bgBlack.yellow.bold + ' '; /** * * @param logText * @param logType * @returns {boolean} */ beautylogNode.log = function (logText, logType) { if (logText === void 0) { logText = 'empty log'; } if (logType === void 0) { logType = 'normal'; } try { switch (logType) { case 'dir': logText = localBl.dirPrefix + clc.xterm(26)(logText); break; case 'error': logText = localBl.errorPrefix + logText.red.bold; break; case 'info': logText = localBl.infoPrefix + clc.xterm(198)(logText); break; case 'normal': logText = localBl.normalPrefix + logText.cyan.bold; break; case 'ok': logText = localBl.okPrefix + logText.bold; break; case 'success': logText = localBl.successPrefix + logText.green.bold; break; case 'warn': logText = localBl.warnPrefix + logText.bold; break; case 'log': default: logText.blue.bold; console.log(('unknown logType for "' + logText + '"').red.bold); break; } console.log(logText); return true; } catch (error) { console.log(localBl.errorPrefix + 'You seem to have tried logging something strange'.red.bold + error); return false; } }; /** * logs an directory to console * @param logText * @returns {boolean} */ beautylogNode.dir = function (logText) { return beautylogNode.log(logText, 'dir'); }; /** * logs an error to console * @param logText * @returns {boolean} */ beautylogNode.error = function (logText) { return beautylogNode.log(logText, 'error'); }; /** * logs an info to console * @param logText * @returns {boolean} */ beautylogNode.info = function (logText) { return beautylogNode.log(logText, 'info'); }; /** * logs an 'OK!' message to console * @param logText * @returns {boolean} */ beautylogNode.ok = function (logText) { return beautylogNode.log(logText, 'ok'); }; /** * logs a success to console * @param logText string to log as error * @returns {boolean} */ beautylogNode.success = function (logText) { return beautylogNode.log(logText, 'success'); }; /** * logs a 'warn:' message to console * @param logText string to log as error * @returns {boolean} */ beautylogNode.warn = function (logText) { return beautylogNode.log(logText, 'warn'); }; beautylogNode.table = BeautylogOsTable.init(); return beautylogNode; } BeautylogNode.init = init; })(BeautylogNode || (BeautylogNode = {})); /// var BeautylogOsTable; (function (BeautylogOsTable) { function init() { BeautylogOsTable.cliTable = require("cli-table2"); var beautylogOsTable = {}; beautylogOsTable.new = function (typeArg, tableHeadArrayArg) { var newConsoleTable = new ConsoleTable(typeArg, tableHeadArrayArg); return newConsoleTable; }; return beautylogOsTable; } BeautylogOsTable.init = init; })(BeautylogOsTable || (BeautylogOsTable = {})); /// var BeautylogBrowser; (function (BeautylogBrowser) { function init() { var beautylogBrowser = {}; beautylogBrowser.log = function (message) { console.log('%c Log: %c ' + message, "background:#42A5F5;color:#ffffff", "color:#42A5F5;"); }; beautylogBrowser.info = function (message) { console.log('%c Info: %c ' + message, 'background:#EC407A;color:#ffffff;', 'color:#EC407A;'); }; beautylogBrowser.ok = function (message) { console.log('%c OK: %c ' + message, "background:#000000;color:#8BC34A;", "color:#000000;"); }; beautylogBrowser.success = function (message) { console.log('%c Success: %c ' + message, "background:#8BC34A;color:#ffffff;", "color:#8BC34A;"); }; beautylogBrowser.warn = function (message) { console.log('%c Warn: %c ' + message, "background:#000000;color:#FB8C00;", "color:#000000;"); }; return beautylogBrowser; } BeautylogBrowser.init = init; })(BeautylogBrowser || (BeautylogBrowser = {})); /// /// /// /// /// /// var plugins = BeautylogPlugins.init(); var beautylog = (function () { switch (plugins.smartenv.getEnv().runtimeEnv) { case "node": var beautylogOs = BeautylogNode.init(); return beautylogOs; break; case "browser": var beautylogBrowser = BeautylogBrowser.init(); return beautylogBrowser; break; default: console.log("something is strange about the platform in which you try to use beautylog"); break; } })(); module.exports = beautylog;