/// var smartenv = require("smartenv"); var beautylog = require('../index.js'); describe("beautylog", function () { describe(".log(message,logtype)", function () { it("should log cyan text", function () { beautylog.log('beautylog.log(), with normal logText, without logType'); }); it("should print different log types dependent on logType", function () { beautylog.log('beautylog.log(), with normal logText, without logType'); beautylog.log('beautylog.log(), with normal logText, with logType "dir"', 'dir'); beautylog.log('beautylog.log(), with normal logText, with logType "error"', 'error'); beautylog.log('beautylog.log(), with normal logText, with logType "info"', 'info'); beautylog.log('beautylog.log(), with normal logText, with logType "ok"', 'ok'); beautylog.log('beautylog.log(), with normal logText, with logType "success"', 'success'); beautylog.log('beautylog.log(), with normal logText, with logType "warn"', 'warn'); }); }); describe(".dir(message)", function () { it("should print a blue Dir message", function () { beautylog.dir('beautylog.dir(), with normal logText, without logType'); }); }); describe(".error(message)", function () { it("sould print a red error message", function () { beautylog.error('beautylog.error(), with normal logText, without logType'); }); }); describe(".info(message)", function () { it("should display a purple info message", function () { beautylog.info('beautylog.dir(), with normal logText, without logType'); }); }); describe(".ok(message)", function () { it("should display a green ok message", function () { beautylog.ok('beautylog.ok(), with normal logText, without logType'); }); }); describe(".success(message)", function () { it("should display an orange warn message", function () { beautylog.success('beautylog.success(), with normal logText, without logType'); }); }); describe(".warn", function () { it("should display a orange warn message", function () { beautylog.warn('beautylog.warn(), with normal logText, without logType'); }); }); describe(".table", function () { it("should print a nice table", function () { (function () { var testTable1 = beautylog.table.new("checks"); testTable1.push(['check1', 'success']); testTable1.push(['check2', 'error']); testTable1.push(['check3', 'error']); testTable1.print(); var testTable2 = beautylog.table.new("custom", ["Column1".red, "Column2".blue, "Column3".cyan]); testTable2.push(["Hey", "this", "works"]); testTable2.print(); })(); }); }); describe(".code", function () { it("should highlight code", function () { this.timeout(10000); beautylog.code("var test = 3;\nfunction(){\n var hello = \"super\"\n};\nvar test;", { language: "javascript" }); }); }); });