import { expect, tap } from '@pushrocks/tapbundle'; import * as smartlog from '../ts/index'; let testConsoleLog: smartlog.ConsoleLog; let testSmartLog: smartlog.Smartlog; tap.test('should produce a valid ConsoleLog instance', async () => { testConsoleLog = new smartlog.ConsoleLog(); testConsoleLog.log('ok', 'this is ok'); }); tap.test('should produce instance of Smartlog', async () => { testSmartLog = new smartlog.Smartlog({ logContext: { environment: 'test', runtime: 'node', zone: 'gitzone', company: 'Lossless GmbH', companyunit: 'Lossless Cloud', containerName: 'testing', }, }); }); tap.test('should enable console logging', async () => { testSmartLog.enableConsole({ captureAll: true, }); console.log('this is a normal log that should be captured'); console.log(new Error('hi there')); testSmartLog.log('info', 'this should only be printed once'); }); tap.test('should be able to log things', async () => { testSmartLog.log('silly', 'hi'); }); tap.test('should create a log group', async () => { const logGroup = testSmartLog.createLogGroup('some cool transaction'); logGroup.log('info', 'this is logged from a log group'); }); tap.test('should catch error', async () => { console.error(new Error('hey')); // throw new Error('hey'); }); tap.start();