import * as plugins from './smartmetrics.plugins'; import * as interfaces from './smartmetrics.interfaces'; import { Cipher } from 'crypto'; export class SmartMetrics { public started = false; public sourceNameArg: string; public logger: plugins.smartlog.Smartlog; public registry: plugins.promClient.Registry; public async setup() { const collectDefaultMetrics = plugins.promClient.collectDefaultMetrics; this.registry = new plugins.promClient.Registry(); collectDefaultMetrics({ register: this.registry }); } constructor(loggerArg: plugins.smartlog.Smartlog, sourceNameArg: string) { this.logger = loggerArg; this.sourceNameArg = sourceNameArg; this.setup(); } public start() { const unattendedStart = async () => { if (this.started) { return; } this.started = true; while (this.started) { this.logger.log('info', `sending heartbeat for ${this.sourceNameArg} with metrics`, { eventType: 'heartbeat', metrics: await this.getMetrics(), }); await plugins.smartdelay.delayFor(10000, null, true); } }; unattendedStart(); } public formatBytes(bytes: number, decimals = 2) { if (bytes === 0) return '0 Bytes'; const k = 1024; const dm = decimals < 0 ? 0 : decimals; const sizes = ['Bytes', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB', 'PB', 'EB', 'ZB', 'YB']; const i = Math.floor(Math.log(bytes) / Math.log(k)); return parseFloat((bytes / Math.pow(k, i)).toFixed(dm)) + ' ' + sizes[i]; } public async getMetrics() { const originalMetrics = await this.registry.getMetricsAsJSON(); const pids = await plugins.pidtree(; const stats = await plugins.pidusage([, ...pids]); // lets compute cpu usage let cpuPercentage = 0; for (const stat of Object.keys(stats)) { if (!stats[stat]) continue; cpuPercentage += stats[stat].cpu / 100; } let cpuUsageText = `${cpuPercentage * 100} %`; // lets compute memory usage let memoryUsageBytes = 0; for (const stat of Object.keys(stats)) { if (!stats[stat]) continue; memoryUsageBytes += stats[stat].memory; } let memoryUsageText = `${this.formatBytes(memoryUsageBytes)} / ${this.formatBytes(plugins.os.totalmem())}`; let memoryPercentage = Math.round((memoryUsageBytes / plugins.os.totalmem()) * 100) / 100; const returnMetrics: interfaces.IMetricsSnapshot = { originalMetrics, process_cpu_seconds_total: ( originalMetrics.find((metricSet) => === 'process_cpu_seconds_total') as any ).values[0].value, nodejs_active_handles_total: ( originalMetrics.find((metricSet) => === 'nodejs_active_handles_total') as any ).values[0].value, nodejs_active_requests_total: ( originalMetrics.find( (metricSet) => === 'nodejs_active_requests_total' ) as any ).values[0].value, nodejs_heap_size_total_bytes: ( originalMetrics.find( (metricSet) => === 'nodejs_heap_size_total_bytes' ) as any ).values[0].value, cpuPercentage, cpuUsageText, memoryPercentage, memoryUsageBytes, memoryUsageText, }; return returnMetrics; } public stop() { this.started = false; } }