import { tap, expect, expectAsync } from '@pushrocks/tapbundle'; import * as smartnetwork from '../ts/index.js'; let testSmartnetwork: smartnetwork.SmartNetwork; tap.test('should create a vlid instance of SmartNetwork', async () => { testSmartnetwork = new smartnetwork.SmartNetwork(); expect(testSmartnetwork).toBeInstanceOf(smartnetwork.SmartNetwork); }); tap.test('should send a ping to Google', async () => { console.log(await'')); await expectAsync('')).property('alive').toBeTrue(); }); tap.test('should state when a ping is not alive ', async () => { await expectAsync('')).property('alive').toBeFalse(); }); tap.test('should send a ping to an IP', async () => { await expectAsync('')).property('alive').toBeFalse(); }) tap.start();