# smartnginx control nginx from node, TypeScript ready ## Status [![build status](https://gitlab.com/pushrocks/smartnginx/badges/master/build.svg)](https://gitlab.com/pushrocks/smartnginx/commits/master) ## Features * easy reverse configuration * automatic letsencrypt DNS01 challenge based ssl cert generation * automatic nginx process handling zero-downtime config reloading * works in Docker environements ## Usage We recommend the use of TypeScript! :) ```typescript import * as smartnginx from "smartnginx"; myNginxConfig = new smartnginx.NginxConfig(); myNginxZone = new smartnginx.NginxZone({ zoneName:"some.example.com", type:"reverseProxy", destination:"" // some destination IP }); myNginxConfig.addZone(myNginxZone); // adds the zone to the config myNginxConfig.deploy(); // deploys the referenced NginxConfig and gracefully reloads it ```