import { tap, expect } from '@pushrocks/tapbundle'; import path = require('path'); import { Qenv } from '@pushrocks/qenv'; const testQenv = new Qenv('./', './.nogit/'); import * as smartnginx from '../ts/index'; let testSmartNginx: smartnginx.SmartNginx; let testNginxZone01: smartnginx.NginxHost; let testNginxZone02: smartnginx.NginxHost; tap.test('should create a valid instance of SmartNginx', async () => { testSmartNginx = new smartnginx.SmartNginx({ defaultProxyUrl: '' }); expect(testSmartNginx); }); tap.test(`should produce an instance of NginxConfig`, async () => { testNginxZone01 = new smartnginx.NginxHost(testSmartNginx, { hostName: '', destination: '', destinationPort: 3000, privateKey: 'some private', publicKey: 'some public' }); testNginxZone02 = new smartnginx.NginxHost(testSmartNginx, { hostName: '', destination: '', destinationPort: 3050, privateKey: 'some private', publicKey: 'some public' }); expect(testNginxZone01); }); tap.test('.addHostCandidate() should add a zone to NginxConfig Object', async () => { testSmartNginx.addHostCandidate(testNginxZone01); testSmartNginx.addHostCandidate(testNginxZone02); }); tap.test('.deploy() should deploy a config from an instance', async () => { await testSmartNginx.deploy(); }); tap.test('should not redeploy', async () => { testSmartNginx.addHostCandidate(testNginxZone01); testSmartNginx.addHostCandidate(testNginxZone02); await testSmartNginx.deploy(); }); tap.test('.stop() should end the process', async () => { testSmartNginx.nginxProcess.stop(); }); tap.start();