import { expect, tap } from '@pushrocks/tapbundle'; import * as smartnpm from '../ts/index'; import { NpmRegistry } from '../ts/index'; let npmRegistry: smartnpm.NpmRegistry; let verdaccioRegistry: smartnpm.NpmRegistry; let testPackage: smartnpm.NpmPackage; // lets test things with the standard npm registry tap.test('should create valid instances', async () => { npmRegistry = new smartnpm.NpmRegistry(); expect(npmRegistry); testPackage = new smartnpm.NpmPackage({}); expect(testPackage); }); tap.test('should produce a valid search string and this return npmts', async () => { const packages = await{ name: 'npmts' }); expect(packages[0].name).to.equal('npmts'); }); // lets test things with the verdaccio registry tap.test('should create a verdaccio registry', async () => { verdaccioRegistry = new NpmRegistry({ npmRegistryUrl: '' }); expect(verdaccioRegistry); }); tap.test('should get package from verdaccui', async () => { const packageInfo = await verdaccioRegistry.getPackageInfo('@pushrocks/smartupdate'); expect(packageInfo.license).to.equal('MIT'); }); tap.start();