import { expect, tap } from '@pushrocks/tapbundle'; import * as smartobject from '../ts/index'; tap.test('first test', async () => { const result = smartobject.compareObjects( { thisIsEq: 'wow', thisIsDeepEq: { deeper: 'sodeep' } }, { thisIsEq: 'wow', thisIsDeepEq: { deeper: 'sodeep' }, hey: 'there' } ); console.log(result); }); tap.test('should fast deep equal objects', async () => { expect(smartobject.fastDeepEqual({ hello: 'yes' }, { hello: 'yes' })).toBeTrue(); expect(smartobject.fastDeepEqual({ hello: 'yes' }, { hello: 3 })).toBeFalse(); }); let parentObject: any = {}; let childObject: any = {}; tap.test('childObject should not yet be in parentObject', async () => { expect(smartobject.exists(parentObject, 'childObject')).toBeFalse(); parentObject.childObject = childObject; }); tap.test('childObject should now be in parentObject', async () => { expect(smartobject.exists(parentObject, 'childObject')).toBeTrue(); }); tap.test('should be able to deepAdd an childParam', async () => { const parentObject = { hello: 'there' }; const parentObject2 = smartobject.smartAdd(parentObject, '', 'yes'); console.log(parentObject2); expect(smartobject.exists(, 'za')).toBeTrue(); }); tap.test('should be able to deep get an item', async () => { const testObject = { hey: { there: { so: 'cool' } } }; const item = smartobject.smartGet(testObject, ''); expect(item).toEqual('cool'); }); tap.test('should call properties for minimatched properties', async () => { let testObject = { matchedOne: 'Hey!', matchedTwo: 'this works!', notmatched: 'NOT!' }; const matchedStrings: string[] = []; await smartobject.forEachMinimatch(testObject, 'matched*', matchedProperty => { matchedStrings.push(matchedProperty); console.log(matchedProperty); }); expect(matchedStrings).toContain('Hey!'); expect(matchedStrings).toContain('this works!'); expect(matchedStrings).not.toContain('NOT!'); }); tap.start();