import 'typings-test' import * as should from 'should' import * as smartpath from '../dist/index.js' describe('smartpath', function () { describe('class Smartpath', function() { let mySmartpath: smartpath.Smartpath it('should create a valid instance', function() { mySmartpath = new smartpath.Smartpath('/some/path/to/some.file') should(mySmartpath).be.instanceof(smartpath.Smartpath) should(mySmartpath.pathLevelsBackwards).be.of.length(5) }) }) describe('.check', function () { let filePathString = './somedir/somefile.json' let dirPathString = './somedir/anotherdir' let dirPathString2 = './somedir/another.dir/' describe('.isFile', function () { it('should be true for a file path', function () { should( smartpath.check.isFile(filePathString) ).be.true() }) it('should be false for a directory path', function () { should( smartpath.check.isFile(dirPathString) ).be.false() should( smartpath.check.isFile(dirPathString2) ).be.false() }) }) describe('.isDir', function () { it('should be true for a directory path', function () { should(smartpath.check.isDir(dirPathString) ).be.true() should(smartpath.check.isDir(dirPathString2) ).be.true() }) it('should be false for a file path', function () { should( smartpath.check.isDir(filePathString) ).be.false() }) }) }) describe('.transform', function () { describe('toAbsolute()', function () { let baseString = '/basedir' let relativeString = 'somedir/somefile.txt' let relativeString2 = 'anotherdir/anotherfile.txt' let relativeArray = [relativeString, relativeString, relativeString2] it('should make a string absolute', function () { should(smartpath.transform.toAbsolute(relativeString)).startWith('/') should(smartpath.transform.toAbsolute(relativeString)).endWith(relativeString) should(smartpath.transform.toAbsolute(relativeString, baseString)).equal('/basedir/somedir/somefile.txt') }) it('should make an array of relative Strings an Array of absolute Strings', function () { let absoluteArray = smartpath.transform.toAbsolute(relativeArray, baseString) should(absoluteArray[2]).startWith('/') should(absoluteArray[2]).endWith(relativeString2) }) it('should return false if neither String nor Array', function () { should(smartpath.transform.toAbsolute(3)).be.false() }) }) }) describe('.get', function () { describe('.type()', function () { it("should return 'url' for an URL", function () { should(smartpath.get.type('')).equal('url') should(smartpath.get.type('')).not.equal('local') }) it("should return 'path' for a Path", function () { should(smartpath.get.type('/some/absolute/path/')).equal('local') should(smartpath.get.type('./some/relative/path/')).not.equal('url') }) }) describe('.get()', function () { it('should a absolute path for an home relative URL', function () { console.log(smartpath.get.home('~/test')) }) it('should return the home directory path when no argument is specified', function () { console.log(smartpath.get.home()) }) }) }) })