import { expect, tap } from ''; import * as smartpdf from '../ts/index.js'; let testSmartPdf: smartpdf.SmartPdf; tap.test('should create a valid instance of smartpdf', async () => { testSmartPdf = new smartpdf.SmartPdf(); expect(testSmartPdf).toBeInstanceOf(smartpdf.SmartPdf); }); tap.test('should start the instance', async () => { await testSmartPdf.start(); }); tap.test('should create a pdf from html string', async () => { await testSmartPdf.getA4PdfResultForHtmlString('hi'); }); tap.test('should create a pdf from html string', async () => { await testSmartPdf.getA4PdfResultForHtmlString('hi'); }); tap.test('should create a pdf from website as A4', async () => { await testSmartPdf.getPdfResultForWebsite(''); }); tap.test('should create a pdf from website as single page PDF', async () => { await testSmartPdf.getFullWebsiteAsSinglePdf(''); }); tap.test('should create a valid PDFResult', async () => { const writePDfToDisk = async (urlArg: string, fileName: string) => { const pdfResult = await testSmartPdf.getFullWebsiteAsSinglePdf(urlArg); expect(pdfResult.buffer).toBeInstanceOf(Buffer); const fs = await import('fs'); if (!fs.existsSync('.nogit/')) { fs.mkdirSync('.nogit/'); } fs.writeFileSync(`.nogit/${fileName}`, pdfResult.buffer as Buffer); }; await writePDfToDisk('', '1.pdf'); await writePDfToDisk('', '2.pdf'); }); tap.test('should merge pdfs', async () => { const fs = await import('fs'); const pdf1 = await testSmartPdf.readFileToPdfObject('.nogit/1.pdf'); const pdf2 = await testSmartPdf.readFileToPdfObject('.nogit/2.pdf'); fs.writeFileSync( `.nogit/combined.pdf`, await testSmartPdf.mergePdfs([pdf1.buffer, pdf2.buffer]) ); }); tap.test('should create images from an pdf', async () => { const pdfObject = await testSmartPdf.readFileToPdfObject('.nogit/combined.pdf'); const images = await testSmartPdf.convertPDFToPngBytes(pdfObject.buffer); console.log( => val.length)); }); tap.test('should be able to close properly', async () => { await testSmartPdf.stop(); }); tap.start();