import { defer } from './smartpromise.classes.deferred.js'; export * from './smartpromise.classes.cumulativedeferred.js'; export * from './smartpromise.classes.deferred.js'; /** * Creates a new resolved promise for the provided value. */ export const resolvedPromise = (value?: T): Promise => { return Promise.resolve(value); }; /** * Creates a new rejected promise for the provided reason. */ export const rejectedPromise = (err) => { return Promise.reject(err); }; interface IAsyncFunction { (someArg: T): Promise; } /** * accepts an array of inputs and a function that accepts the input. * runs all items with the function and returns the result array when all items have run * @param inputArg * @param functionArg */ export const map = async (inputArg: T[], functionArg: IAsyncFunction) => { const promiseArray: Promise[] = []; const resultArray = []; for (const item of inputArg) { const promise: Promise = functionArg(item); promiseArray.push(promise); promise.then((x) => { resultArray.push(x); }); } await Promise.all(promiseArray); return resultArray; }; export const timeoutWrap = async ( promiseArg: Promise, timeoutInMsArg: number, rejectArg = true ) => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { setTimeout(() => { if (rejectArg) { reject(new Error('timeout')); } else { resolve(null); } }, timeoutInMsArg); promiseArg.then(resolve, reject); }); }; export const timeoutAndContinue = async ( promiseArg: Promise, timeoutInMsArg = 60000 ) => { return timeoutWrap(promiseArg, timeoutInMsArg, false); }; export const getFirstTrueOrFalse = async (promisesArg: Promise[]) => { const done = defer(); for (const promiseArg of promisesArg) { promiseArg.then((resultArg) => { if (resultArg === true) { done.resolve(true); } }); } Promise.all(promisesArg).then(() => { done.resolve(false); }); return done.promise; }; /** * Converts a Node.js-style callback-based function into a Promise. * @param fn The function that expects a callback. * @returns A Promise that resolves with the result of the function or rejects with an error. */ export const fromCallback = ( fn: (callback: (err: NodeJS.ErrnoException | null, result?: T) => void) => void ): Promise => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { fn((err, result) => { if (err) { reject(err); // Reject the promise with the error } else { resolve(result as T); // Resolve the promise with the result } }); }); };