import * as plugins from './plugins.js'; export interface IDomainConfig { domain: string; // Glob pattern for domain allowedIPs: string[]; // Glob patterns for allowed IPs targetIP?: string; // Optional target IP for this domain } export interface IPortProxySettings extends plugins.tls.TlsOptions { fromPort: number; toPort: number; toHost?: string; // Target host to proxy to, defaults to 'localhost' domains: IDomainConfig[]; sniEnabled?: boolean; defaultAllowedIPs?: string[]; preserveSourceIP?: boolean; maxConnectionLifetime?: number; // New option (in milliseconds) to force cleanup of long-lived connections } /** * Extracts the SNI (Server Name Indication) from a TLS ClientHello packet. * @param buffer - Buffer containing the TLS ClientHello. * @returns The server name if found, otherwise undefined. */ function extractSNI(buffer: Buffer): string | undefined { let offset = 0; if (buffer.length < 5) return undefined; const recordType = buffer.readUInt8(0); if (recordType !== 22) return undefined; // 22 = handshake const recordLength = buffer.readUInt16BE(3); if (buffer.length < 5 + recordLength) return undefined; offset = 5; const handshakeType = buffer.readUInt8(offset); if (handshakeType !== 1) return undefined; // 1 = ClientHello offset += 4; // Skip handshake header (type + length) offset += 2 + 32; // Skip client version and random const sessionIDLength = buffer.readUInt8(offset); offset += 1 + sessionIDLength; // Skip session ID const cipherSuitesLength = buffer.readUInt16BE(offset); offset += 2 + cipherSuitesLength; // Skip cipher suites const compressionMethodsLength = buffer.readUInt8(offset); offset += 1 + compressionMethodsLength; // Skip compression methods if (offset + 2 > buffer.length) return undefined; const extensionsLength = buffer.readUInt16BE(offset); offset += 2; const extensionsEnd = offset + extensionsLength; while (offset + 4 <= extensionsEnd) { const extensionType = buffer.readUInt16BE(offset); const extensionLength = buffer.readUInt16BE(offset + 2); offset += 4; if (extensionType === 0x0000) { // SNI extension if (offset + 2 > buffer.length) return undefined; const sniListLength = buffer.readUInt16BE(offset); offset += 2; const sniListEnd = offset + sniListLength; while (offset + 3 < sniListEnd) { const nameType = buffer.readUInt8(offset++); const nameLen = buffer.readUInt16BE(offset); offset += 2; if (nameType === 0) { // host_name if (offset + nameLen > buffer.length) return undefined; return buffer.toString('utf8', offset, offset + nameLen); } offset += nameLen; } break; } else { offset += extensionLength; } } return undefined; } interface IConnectionRecord { incoming:; outgoing: | null; incomingStartTime: number; outgoingStartTime?: number; connectionClosed: boolean; cleanupTimer?: NodeJS.Timeout; // Timer to force cleanup after max lifetime/inactivity } export class PortProxy { netServer:; settings: IPortProxySettings; // Unified record tracking each connection pair. private connectionRecords: Set = new Set(); private connectionLogger: NodeJS.Timeout | null = null; private terminationStats: { incoming: Record; outgoing: Record; } = { incoming: {}, outgoing: {}, }; constructor(settingsArg: IPortProxySettings) { this.settings = { ...settingsArg, toHost: settingsArg.toHost || 'localhost', maxConnectionLifetime: settingsArg.maxConnectionLifetime || 600000, }; } private incrementTerminationStat(side: 'incoming' | 'outgoing', reason: string): void { this.terminationStats[side][reason] = (this.terminationStats[side][reason] || 0) + 1; } public async start() { // Helper to forcefully destroy sockets. const cleanUpSockets = (socketA:, socketB?: => { if (!socketA.destroyed) socketA.destroy(); if (socketB && !socketB.destroyed) socketB.destroy(); }; // Normalize an IP to include both IPv4 and IPv6 representations. const normalizeIP = (ip: string): string[] => { if (ip.startsWith('::ffff:')) { const ipv4 = ip.slice(7); return [ip, ipv4]; } if (/^\d{1,3}(\.\d{1,3}){3}$/.test(ip)) { return [ip, `::ffff:${ip}`]; } return [ip]; }; // Check if a given IP matches any of the glob patterns. const isAllowed = (ip: string, patterns: string[]): boolean => { const normalizedIPVariants = normalizeIP(ip); const expandedPatterns = patterns.flatMap(normalizeIP); return normalizedIPVariants.some(ipVariant => expandedPatterns.some(pattern => plugins.minimatch(ipVariant, pattern)) ); }; // Find a matching domain config based on the SNI. const findMatchingDomain = (serverName: string): IDomainConfig | undefined => => plugins.minimatch(serverName, config.domain)); this.netServer = => { const remoteIP = socket.remoteAddress || ''; const connectionRecord: IConnectionRecord = { incoming: socket, outgoing: null, incomingStartTime:, connectionClosed: false, }; this.connectionRecords.add(connectionRecord); console.log(`New connection from ${remoteIP}. Active connections: ${this.connectionRecords.size}`); let initialDataReceived = false; let incomingTerminationReason: string | null = null; let outgoingTerminationReason: string | null = null; // Ensure cleanup happens only once for the entire connection record. const cleanupOnce = () => { if (!connectionRecord.connectionClosed) { connectionRecord.connectionClosed = true; if (connectionRecord.cleanupTimer) { clearTimeout(connectionRecord.cleanupTimer); } cleanUpSockets(connectionRecord.incoming, connectionRecord.outgoing || undefined); this.connectionRecords.delete(connectionRecord); console.log(`Connection from ${remoteIP} terminated. Active connections: ${this.connectionRecords.size}`); } }; // Helper to reject an incoming connection. const rejectIncomingConnection = (reason: string, logMessage: string) => { console.log(logMessage); socket.end(); if (incomingTerminationReason === null) { incomingTerminationReason = reason; this.incrementTerminationStat('incoming', reason); } cleanupOnce(); }; socket.on('error', (err: Error) => { const errorMessage = initialDataReceived ? `(Immediate) Incoming socket error from ${remoteIP}: ${err.message}` : `(Premature) Incoming socket error from ${remoteIP} before data received: ${err.message}`; console.log(errorMessage); }); const handleError = (side: 'incoming' | 'outgoing') => (err: Error) => { const code = (err as any).code; let reason = 'error'; if (code === 'ECONNRESET') { reason = 'econnreset'; console.log(`ECONNRESET on ${side} side from ${remoteIP}: ${err.message}`); } else { console.log(`Error on ${side} side from ${remoteIP}: ${err.message}`); } if (side === 'incoming' && incomingTerminationReason === null) { incomingTerminationReason = reason; this.incrementTerminationStat('incoming', reason); } else if (side === 'outgoing' && outgoingTerminationReason === null) { outgoingTerminationReason = reason; this.incrementTerminationStat('outgoing', reason); } cleanupOnce(); }; const handleClose = (side: 'incoming' | 'outgoing') => () => { console.log(`Connection closed on ${side} side from ${remoteIP}`); if (side === 'incoming' && incomingTerminationReason === null) { incomingTerminationReason = 'normal'; this.incrementTerminationStat('incoming', 'normal'); } else if (side === 'outgoing' && outgoingTerminationReason === null) { outgoingTerminationReason = 'normal'; this.incrementTerminationStat('outgoing', 'normal'); } cleanupOnce(); }; const setupConnection = (serverName: string, initialChunk?: Buffer) => { const defaultAllowed = this.settings.defaultAllowedIPs && isAllowed(remoteIP, this.settings.defaultAllowedIPs); if (!defaultAllowed && serverName) { const domainConfig = findMatchingDomain(serverName); if (!domainConfig) { return rejectIncomingConnection('rejected', `Connection rejected: No matching domain config for ${serverName} from ${remoteIP}`); } if (!isAllowed(remoteIP, domainConfig.allowedIPs)) { return rejectIncomingConnection('rejected', `Connection rejected: IP ${remoteIP} not allowed for domain ${serverName}`); } } else if (!defaultAllowed && !serverName) { return rejectIncomingConnection('rejected', `Connection rejected: No SNI and IP ${remoteIP} not in default allowed list`); } else if (defaultAllowed && !serverName) { console.log(`Connection allowed: IP ${remoteIP} is in default allowed list`); } const domainConfig = serverName ? findMatchingDomain(serverName) : undefined; const targetHost = domainConfig?.targetIP || this.settings.toHost!; const connectionOptions: = { host: targetHost, port: this.settings.toPort, }; if (this.settings.preserveSourceIP) { connectionOptions.localAddress = remoteIP.replace('::ffff:', ''); } const targetSocket =; connectionRecord.outgoing = targetSocket; connectionRecord.outgoingStartTime =; console.log( `Connection established: ${remoteIP} -> ${targetHost}:${this.settings.toPort}` + `${serverName ? ` (SNI: ${serverName})` : ''}` ); if (initialChunk) { socket.unshift(initialChunk); } socket.setTimeout(120000); socket.pipe(targetSocket); targetSocket.pipe(socket); // Attach error and close handlers. socket.on('error', handleError('incoming')); targetSocket.on('error', handleError('outgoing')); socket.on('close', handleClose('incoming')); targetSocket.on('close', handleClose('outgoing')); socket.on('timeout', () => { console.log(`Timeout on incoming side from ${remoteIP}`); if (incomingTerminationReason === null) { incomingTerminationReason = 'timeout'; this.incrementTerminationStat('incoming', 'timeout'); } cleanupOnce(); }); targetSocket.on('timeout', () => { console.log(`Timeout on outgoing side from ${remoteIP}`); if (outgoingTerminationReason === null) { outgoingTerminationReason = 'timeout'; this.incrementTerminationStat('outgoing', 'timeout'); } cleanupOnce(); }); socket.on('end', handleClose('incoming')); targetSocket.on('end', handleClose('outgoing')); // If maxConnectionLifetime is set, initialize a cleanup timer that will be reset on data flow. if (this.settings.maxConnectionLifetime) { let incomingActive = false; let outgoingActive = false; const resetCleanupTimer = () => { if (this.settings.maxConnectionLifetime) { if (connectionRecord.cleanupTimer) { clearTimeout(connectionRecord.cleanupTimer); } connectionRecord.cleanupTimer = setTimeout(() => { console.log(`Connection from ${remoteIP} exceeded max lifetime with inactivity (${this.settings.maxConnectionLifetime}ms), forcing cleanup.`); cleanupOnce(); }, this.settings.maxConnectionLifetime); } }; // Start the cleanup timer. resetCleanupTimer(); // Listen for data events on both sides and reset the timer when both are active. socket.on('data', () => { incomingActive = true; if (incomingActive && outgoingActive) { resetCleanupTimer(); } }); targetSocket.on('data', () => { outgoingActive = true; if (incomingActive && outgoingActive) { resetCleanupTimer(); } }); } }; if (this.settings.sniEnabled) { socket.setTimeout(5000, () => { console.log(`Initial data timeout for ${remoteIP}`); socket.end(); cleanupOnce(); }); socket.once('data', (chunk: Buffer) => { socket.setTimeout(0); initialDataReceived = true; const serverName = extractSNI(chunk) || ''; console.log(`Received connection from ${remoteIP} with SNI: ${serverName}`); setupConnection(serverName, chunk); }); } else { initialDataReceived = true; if (!this.settings.defaultAllowedIPs || !isAllowed(remoteIP, this.settings.defaultAllowedIPs)) { return rejectIncomingConnection('rejected', `Connection rejected: IP ${remoteIP} not allowed for non-SNI connection`); } setupConnection(''); } }) .on('error', (err: Error) => { console.log(`Server Error: ${err.message}`); }) .listen(this.settings.fromPort, () => { console.log( `PortProxy -> OK: Now listening on port ${this.settings.fromPort}` + `${this.settings.sniEnabled ? ' (SNI passthrough enabled)' : ''}` ); }); // Every 10 seconds log active connection count and longest running durations. this.connectionLogger = setInterval(() => { const now =; let maxIncoming = 0; let maxOutgoing = 0; for (const record of this.connectionRecords) { maxIncoming = Math.max(maxIncoming, now - record.incomingStartTime); if (record.outgoingStartTime) { maxOutgoing = Math.max(maxOutgoing, now - record.outgoingStartTime); } } console.log( `(Interval Log) Active connections: ${this.connectionRecords.size}. ` + `Longest running incoming: ${plugins.prettyMs(maxIncoming)}, outgoing: ${plugins.prettyMs(maxOutgoing)}. ` + `Termination stats (incoming): ${JSON.stringify(this.terminationStats.incoming)}, ` + `(outgoing): ${JSON.stringify(this.terminationStats.outgoing)}` ); }, 10000); } public async stop() { const done = plugins.smartpromise.defer(); this.netServer.close(() => { done.resolve(); }); if (this.connectionLogger) { clearInterval(this.connectionLogger); this.connectionLogger = null; } await done.promise; } }