import * as plugins from './plugins.js'; import type { IConnectionRecord, IDomainConfig, IPortProxySettings } from './classes.pp.interfaces.js'; import { ConnectionManager } from './classes.pp.connectionmanager.js'; import { SecurityManager } from './classes.pp.securitymanager.js'; import { DomainConfigManager } from './classes.pp.domainconfigmanager.js'; import { TlsManager } from './classes.pp.tlsmanager.js'; import { NetworkProxyBridge } from './classes.pp.networkproxybridge.js'; import { TimeoutManager } from './classes.pp.timeoutmanager.js'; import { PortRangeManager } from './classes.pp.portrangemanager.js'; /** * Handles new connection processing and setup logic */ export class ConnectionHandler { constructor( private settings: IPortProxySettings, private connectionManager: ConnectionManager, private securityManager: SecurityManager, private domainConfigManager: DomainConfigManager, private tlsManager: TlsManager, private networkProxyBridge: NetworkProxyBridge, private timeoutManager: TimeoutManager, private portRangeManager: PortRangeManager ) {} /** * Handle a new incoming connection */ public handleConnection(socket: void { const remoteIP = socket.remoteAddress || ''; const localPort = socket.localPort || 0; // Validate IP against rate limits and connection limits const ipValidation = this.securityManager.validateIP(remoteIP); if (!ipValidation.allowed) { console.log(`Connection rejected from ${remoteIP}: ${ipValidation.reason}`); socket.end(); socket.destroy(); return; } // Create a new connection record const record = this.connectionManager.createConnection(socket); const connectionId =; // Apply socket optimizations socket.setNoDelay(this.settings.noDelay); // Apply keep-alive settings if enabled if (this.settings.keepAlive) { socket.setKeepAlive(true, this.settings.keepAliveInitialDelay); record.hasKeepAlive = true; // Apply enhanced TCP keep-alive options if enabled if (this.settings.enableKeepAliveProbes) { try { // These are platform-specific and may not be available if ('setKeepAliveProbes' in socket) { (socket as any).setKeepAliveProbes(10); } if ('setKeepAliveInterval' in socket) { (socket as any).setKeepAliveInterval(1000); } } catch (err) { // Ignore errors - these are optional enhancements if (this.settings.enableDetailedLogging) { console.log(`[${connectionId}] Enhanced TCP keep-alive settings not supported: ${err}`); } } } } if (this.settings.enableDetailedLogging) { console.log( `[${connectionId}] New connection from ${remoteIP} on port ${localPort}. ` + `Keep-Alive: ${record.hasKeepAlive ? 'Enabled' : 'Disabled'}. ` + `Active connections: ${this.connectionManager.getConnectionCount()}` ); } else { console.log( `New connection from ${remoteIP} on port ${localPort}. Active connections: ${this.connectionManager.getConnectionCount()}` ); } // Check if this connection should be forwarded directly to NetworkProxy if (this.portRangeManager.shouldUseNetworkProxy(localPort)) { this.handleNetworkProxyConnection(socket, record); } else { // For non-NetworkProxy ports, proceed with normal processing this.handleStandardConnection(socket, record); } } /** * Handle a connection that should be forwarded to NetworkProxy */ private handleNetworkProxyConnection(socket:, record: IConnectionRecord): void { const connectionId =; let initialDataReceived = false; // Set an initial timeout for handshake data let initialTimeout: NodeJS.Timeout | null = setTimeout(() => { if (!initialDataReceived) { console.log( `[${connectionId}] Initial data warning (${this.settings.initialDataTimeout}ms) for connection from ${record.remoteIP}` ); // Add a grace period instead of immediate termination setTimeout(() => { if (!initialDataReceived) { console.log(`[${connectionId}] Final initial data timeout after grace period`); if (record.incomingTerminationReason === null) { record.incomingTerminationReason = 'initial_timeout'; this.connectionManager.incrementTerminationStat('incoming', 'initial_timeout'); } socket.end(); this.connectionManager.cleanupConnection(record, 'initial_timeout'); } }, 30000); // 30 second grace period } }, this.settings.initialDataTimeout!); // Make sure timeout doesn't keep the process alive if (initialTimeout.unref) { initialTimeout.unref(); } // Set up error handler socket.on('error', this.connectionManager.handleError('incoming', record)); // First data handler to capture initial TLS handshake for NetworkProxy socket.once('data', (chunk: Buffer) => { // Clear the initial timeout since we've received data if (initialTimeout) { clearTimeout(initialTimeout); initialTimeout = null; } initialDataReceived = true; record.hasReceivedInitialData = true; // Block non-TLS connections on port 443 const localPort = record.localPort; if (!this.tlsManager.isTlsHandshake(chunk) && localPort === 443) { console.log( `[${connectionId}] Non-TLS connection detected on port 443. ` + `Terminating connection - only TLS traffic is allowed on standard HTTPS port.` ); if (record.incomingTerminationReason === null) { record.incomingTerminationReason = 'non_tls_blocked'; this.connectionManager.incrementTerminationStat('incoming', 'non_tls_blocked'); } socket.end(); this.connectionManager.cleanupConnection(record, 'non_tls_blocked'); return; } // Check if this looks like a TLS handshake if (this.tlsManager.isTlsHandshake(chunk)) { record.isTLS = true; // Check session tickets if they're disabled if (this.settings.allowSessionTicket === false && this.tlsManager.isClientHello(chunk)) { // Create connection info for SNI extraction const connInfo = { sourceIp: record.remoteIP, sourcePort: socket.remotePort || 0, destIp: socket.localAddress || '', destPort: socket.localPort || 0, }; // Extract SNI for domain-specific NetworkProxy handling const serverName = this.tlsManager.extractSNI(chunk, connInfo); if (serverName) { // If we got an SNI, check for domain-specific NetworkProxy settings const domainConfig = this.domainConfigManager.findDomainConfig(serverName); // Save domain config and SNI in connection record record.domainConfig = domainConfig; record.lockedDomain = serverName; // Use domain-specific NetworkProxy port if configured if (domainConfig && this.domainConfigManager.shouldUseNetworkProxy(domainConfig)) { const networkProxyPort = this.domainConfigManager.getNetworkProxyPort(domainConfig); if (this.settings.enableDetailedLogging) { console.log( `[${connectionId}] Using domain-specific NetworkProxy for ${serverName} on port ${networkProxyPort}` ); } // Forward to NetworkProxy with domain-specific port this.networkProxyBridge.forwardToNetworkProxy( connectionId, socket, record, chunk, networkProxyPort, (reason) => this.connectionManager.initiateCleanupOnce(record, reason) ); return; } } } // Forward directly to NetworkProxy without domain-specific settings this.networkProxyBridge.forwardToNetworkProxy( connectionId, socket, record, chunk, undefined, (reason) => this.connectionManager.initiateCleanupOnce(record, reason) ); } else { // If not TLS, use normal direct connection console.log(`[${connectionId}] Non-TLS connection on NetworkProxy port ${record.localPort}`); this.setupDirectConnection( socket, record, undefined, undefined, chunk ); } }); } /** * Handle a standard (non-NetworkProxy) connection */ private handleStandardConnection(socket:, record: IConnectionRecord): void { const connectionId =; const localPort = record.localPort; // Define helpers for rejecting connections const rejectIncomingConnection = (reason: string, logMessage: string) => { console.log(`[${connectionId}] ${logMessage}`); socket.end(); if (record.incomingTerminationReason === null) { record.incomingTerminationReason = reason; this.connectionManager.incrementTerminationStat('incoming', reason); } this.connectionManager.cleanupConnection(record, reason); }; let initialDataReceived = false; // Set an initial timeout for SNI data if needed let initialTimeout: NodeJS.Timeout | null = null; if (this.settings.sniEnabled) { initialTimeout = setTimeout(() => { if (!initialDataReceived) { console.log( `[${connectionId}] Initial data warning (${this.settings.initialDataTimeout}ms) for connection from ${record.remoteIP}` ); // Add a grace period instead of immediate termination setTimeout(() => { if (!initialDataReceived) { console.log(`[${connectionId}] Final initial data timeout after grace period`); if (record.incomingTerminationReason === null) { record.incomingTerminationReason = 'initial_timeout'; this.connectionManager.incrementTerminationStat('incoming', 'initial_timeout'); } socket.end(); this.connectionManager.cleanupConnection(record, 'initial_timeout'); } }, 30000); // 30 second grace period } }, this.settings.initialDataTimeout!); // Make sure timeout doesn't keep the process alive if (initialTimeout.unref) { initialTimeout.unref(); } } else { initialDataReceived = true; record.hasReceivedInitialData = true; } socket.on('error', this.connectionManager.handleError('incoming', record)); // Track data for bytes counting socket.on('data', (chunk: Buffer) => { record.bytesReceived += chunk.length; this.timeoutManager.updateActivity(record); // Check for TLS handshake if this is the first chunk if (!record.isTLS && this.tlsManager.isTlsHandshake(chunk)) { record.isTLS = true; if (this.settings.enableTlsDebugLogging) { console.log( `[${connectionId}] TLS handshake detected from ${record.remoteIP}, ${chunk.length} bytes` ); } } }); /** * Sets up the connection to the target host. */ const setupConnection = ( serverName: string, initialChunk?: Buffer, forcedDomain?: IDomainConfig, overridePort?: number ) => { // Clear the initial timeout since we've received data if (initialTimeout) { clearTimeout(initialTimeout); initialTimeout = null; } // Mark that we've received initial data initialDataReceived = true; record.hasReceivedInitialData = true; // Check if this looks like a TLS handshake if (initialChunk && this.tlsManager.isTlsHandshake(initialChunk)) { record.isTLS = true; if (this.settings.enableTlsDebugLogging) { console.log( `[${connectionId}] TLS handshake detected in setup, ${initialChunk.length} bytes` ); } } // If a forcedDomain is provided (port-based routing), use it; otherwise, use SNI-based lookup. const domainConfig = forcedDomain ? forcedDomain : serverName ? this.domainConfigManager.findDomainConfig(serverName) : undefined; // Save domain config in connection record record.domainConfig = domainConfig; // Check if this domain should use NetworkProxy (domain-specific setting) if (domainConfig && this.domainConfigManager.shouldUseNetworkProxy(domainConfig) && this.networkProxyBridge.getNetworkProxy()) { if (this.settings.enableDetailedLogging) { console.log( `[${connectionId}] Domain ${serverName} is configured to use NetworkProxy` ); } const networkProxyPort = this.domainConfigManager.getNetworkProxyPort(domainConfig); if (initialChunk && record.isTLS) { // For TLS connections with initial chunk, forward to NetworkProxy this.networkProxyBridge.forwardToNetworkProxy( connectionId, socket, record, initialChunk, networkProxyPort, (reason) => this.connectionManager.initiateCleanupOnce(record, reason) ); return; // Skip normal connection setup } } // IP validation if (domainConfig) { const ipRules = this.domainConfigManager.getEffectiveIPRules(domainConfig); // Skip IP validation if allowedIPs is empty if ( domainConfig.allowedIPs.length > 0 && !this.securityManager.isIPAuthorized(record.remoteIP, ipRules.allowedIPs, ipRules.blockedIPs) ) { return rejectIncomingConnection( 'rejected', `Connection rejected: IP ${record.remoteIP} not allowed for domain ${ ', ' )}` ); } } else if ( this.settings.defaultAllowedIPs && this.settings.defaultAllowedIPs.length > 0 ) { if ( !this.securityManager.isIPAuthorized( record.remoteIP, this.settings.defaultAllowedIPs, this.settings.defaultBlockedIPs || [] ) ) { return rejectIncomingConnection( 'rejected', `Connection rejected: IP ${record.remoteIP} not allowed by default allowed list` ); } } // Save the initial SNI if (serverName) { record.lockedDomain = serverName; } // Set up the direct connection this.setupDirectConnection( socket, record, domainConfig, serverName, initialChunk, overridePort ); }; // --- PORT RANGE-BASED HANDLING --- // Only apply port-based rules if the incoming port is within one of the global port ranges. if (this.portRangeManager.isPortInGlobalRanges(localPort)) { if (this.portRangeManager.shouldUseGlobalForwarding(localPort)) { if ( this.settings.defaultAllowedIPs && this.settings.defaultAllowedIPs.length > 0 && !this.securityManager.isIPAuthorized(record.remoteIP, this.settings.defaultAllowedIPs) ) { console.log( `[${connectionId}] Connection from ${record.remoteIP} rejected: IP ${record.remoteIP} not allowed in global default allowed list.` ); socket.end(); return; } if (this.settings.enableDetailedLogging) { console.log( `[${connectionId}] Port-based connection from ${record.remoteIP} on port ${localPort} forwarded to global target IP ${this.settings.targetIP}.` ); } setupConnection( '', undefined, { domains: ['global'], allowedIPs: this.settings.defaultAllowedIPs || [], blockedIPs: this.settings.defaultBlockedIPs || [], targetIPs: [this.settings.targetIP!], portRanges: [], }, localPort ); return; } else { // Attempt to find a matching forced domain config based on the local port. const forcedDomain = this.domainConfigManager.findDomainConfigForPort(localPort); if (forcedDomain) { const ipRules = this.domainConfigManager.getEffectiveIPRules(forcedDomain); if (!this.securityManager.isIPAuthorized(record.remoteIP, ipRules.allowedIPs, ipRules.blockedIPs)) { console.log( `[${connectionId}] Connection from ${record.remoteIP} rejected: IP not allowed for domain ${ ', ' )} on port ${localPort}.` ); socket.end(); return; } if (this.settings.enableDetailedLogging) { console.log( `[${connectionId}] Port-based connection from ${record.remoteIP} on port ${localPort} matched domain ${ ', ' )}.` ); } setupConnection('', undefined, forcedDomain, localPort); return; } // Fall through to SNI/default handling if no forced domain config is found. } } // --- FALLBACK: SNI-BASED HANDLING (or default when SNI is disabled) --- if (this.settings.sniEnabled) { initialDataReceived = false; socket.once('data', (chunk: Buffer) => { // Clear timeout immediately if (initialTimeout) { clearTimeout(initialTimeout); initialTimeout = null; } initialDataReceived = true; // Block non-TLS connections on port 443 if (!this.tlsManager.isTlsHandshake(chunk) && localPort === 443) { console.log( `[${connectionId}] Non-TLS connection detected on port 443 in SNI handler. ` + `Terminating connection - only TLS traffic is allowed on standard HTTPS port.` ); if (record.incomingTerminationReason === null) { record.incomingTerminationReason = 'non_tls_blocked'; this.connectionManager.incrementTerminationStat('incoming', 'non_tls_blocked'); } socket.end(); this.connectionManager.cleanupConnection(record, 'non_tls_blocked'); return; } // Try to extract SNI let serverName = ''; if (this.tlsManager.isTlsHandshake(chunk)) { record.isTLS = true; if (this.settings.enableTlsDebugLogging) { console.log( `[${connectionId}] Extracting SNI from TLS handshake, ${chunk.length} bytes` ); } // Create connection info object for SNI extraction const connInfo = { sourceIp: record.remoteIP, sourcePort: socket.remotePort || 0, destIp: socket.localAddress || '', destPort: socket.localPort || 0, }; // Extract SNI serverName = this.tlsManager.extractSNI(chunk, connInfo) || ''; } // Lock the connection to the negotiated SNI. record.lockedDomain = serverName; if (this.settings.enableDetailedLogging) { console.log( `[${connectionId}] Received connection from ${record.remoteIP} with SNI: ${ serverName || '(empty)' }` ); } setupConnection(serverName, chunk); }); } else { initialDataReceived = true; record.hasReceivedInitialData = true; if ( this.settings.defaultAllowedIPs && this.settings.defaultAllowedIPs.length > 0 && !this.securityManager.isIPAuthorized(record.remoteIP, this.settings.defaultAllowedIPs) ) { return rejectIncomingConnection( 'rejected', `Connection rejected: IP ${record.remoteIP} not allowed for non-SNI connection` ); } setupConnection(''); } } /** * Sets up a direct connection to the target */ private setupDirectConnection( socket:, record: IConnectionRecord, domainConfig?: IDomainConfig, serverName?: string, initialChunk?: Buffer, overridePort?: number ): void { const connectionId =; // Determine target host const targetHost = domainConfig ? this.domainConfigManager.getTargetIP(domainConfig) : this.settings.targetIP!; // Determine target port const targetPort = overridePort !== undefined ? overridePort : this.settings.toPort; // Setup connection options const connectionOptions: = { host: targetHost, port: targetPort, }; // Preserve source IP if configured if (this.settings.preserveSourceIP) { connectionOptions.localAddress = record.remoteIP.replace('::ffff:', ''); } // Create a safe queue for incoming data const dataQueue: Buffer[] = []; let queueSize = 0; let processingQueue = false; let drainPending = false; let pipingEstablished = false; // Pause the incoming socket to prevent buffer overflows socket.pause(); // Function to safely process the data queue without losing events const processDataQueue = () => { if (processingQueue || dataQueue.length === 0 || pipingEstablished) return; processingQueue = true; try { // Process all queued chunks with the current active handler while (dataQueue.length > 0) { const chunk = dataQueue.shift()!; queueSize -= chunk.length; // Once piping is established, we shouldn't get here, // but just in case, pass to the outgoing socket directly if (pipingEstablished && record.outgoing) { record.outgoing.write(chunk); continue; } // Track bytes received record.bytesReceived += chunk.length; // Check for TLS handshake if (!record.isTLS && this.tlsManager.isTlsHandshake(chunk)) { record.isTLS = true; if (this.settings.enableTlsDebugLogging) { console.log( `[${connectionId}] TLS handshake detected in tempDataHandler, ${chunk.length} bytes` ); } } // Check if adding this chunk would exceed the buffer limit const newSize = record.pendingDataSize + chunk.length; if (this.settings.maxPendingDataSize && newSize > this.settings.maxPendingDataSize) { console.log( `[${connectionId}] Buffer limit exceeded for connection from ${record.remoteIP}: ${newSize} bytes > ${this.settings.maxPendingDataSize} bytes` ); socket.end(); // Gracefully close the socket this.connectionManager.initiateCleanupOnce(record, 'buffer_limit_exceeded'); return; } // Buffer the chunk and update the size counter record.pendingData.push(Buffer.from(chunk)); record.pendingDataSize = newSize; this.timeoutManager.updateActivity(record); } } finally { processingQueue = false; // If there's a pending drain and we've processed everything, // signal we're ready for more data if we haven't established piping yet if (drainPending && dataQueue.length === 0 && !pipingEstablished) { drainPending = false; socket.resume(); } } }; // Unified data handler that safely queues incoming data const safeDataHandler = (chunk: Buffer) => { // If piping is already established, just let the pipe handle it if (pipingEstablished) return; // Add to our queue for orderly processing dataQueue.push(Buffer.from(chunk)); // Make a copy to be safe queueSize += chunk.length; // If queue is getting large, pause socket until we catch up if (this.settings.maxPendingDataSize && queueSize > this.settings.maxPendingDataSize * 0.8) { socket.pause(); drainPending = true; } // Process the queue processDataQueue(); }; // Add our safe data handler socket.on('data', safeDataHandler); // Add initial chunk to pending data if present if (initialChunk) { record.bytesReceived += initialChunk.length; record.pendingData.push(Buffer.from(initialChunk)); record.pendingDataSize = initialChunk.length; } // Create the target socket but don't set up piping immediately const targetSocket =; record.outgoing = targetSocket; record.outgoingStartTime =; // Apply socket optimizations targetSocket.setNoDelay(this.settings.noDelay); // Apply keep-alive settings to the outgoing connection as well if (this.settings.keepAlive) { targetSocket.setKeepAlive(true, this.settings.keepAliveInitialDelay); // Apply enhanced TCP keep-alive options if enabled if (this.settings.enableKeepAliveProbes) { try { if ('setKeepAliveProbes' in targetSocket) { (targetSocket as any).setKeepAliveProbes(10); } if ('setKeepAliveInterval' in targetSocket) { (targetSocket as any).setKeepAliveInterval(1000); } } catch (err) { // Ignore errors - these are optional enhancements if (this.settings.enableDetailedLogging) { console.log( `[${connectionId}] Enhanced TCP keep-alive not supported for outgoing socket: ${err}` ); } } } } // Setup specific error handler for connection phase targetSocket.once('error', (err) => { // This handler runs only once during the initial connection phase const code = (err as any).code; console.log( `[${connectionId}] Connection setup error to ${targetHost}:${connectionOptions.port}: ${err.message} (${code})` ); // Resume the incoming socket to prevent it from hanging socket.resume(); if (code === 'ECONNREFUSED') { console.log( `[${connectionId}] Target ${targetHost}:${connectionOptions.port} refused connection` ); } else if (code === 'ETIMEDOUT') { console.log( `[${connectionId}] Connection to ${targetHost}:${connectionOptions.port} timed out` ); } else if (code === 'ECONNRESET') { console.log( `[${connectionId}] Connection to ${targetHost}:${connectionOptions.port} was reset` ); } else if (code === 'EHOSTUNREACH') { console.log(`[${connectionId}] Host ${targetHost} is unreachable`); } // Clear any existing error handler after connection phase targetSocket.removeAllListeners('error'); // Re-add the normal error handler for established connections targetSocket.on('error', this.connectionManager.handleError('outgoing', record)); if (record.outgoingTerminationReason === null) { record.outgoingTerminationReason = 'connection_failed'; this.connectionManager.incrementTerminationStat('outgoing', 'connection_failed'); } // Clean up the connection this.connectionManager.initiateCleanupOnce(record, `connection_failed_${code}`); }); // Setup close handler targetSocket.on('close', this.connectionManager.handleClose('outgoing', record)); socket.on('close', this.connectionManager.handleClose('incoming', record)); // Handle timeouts with keep-alive awareness socket.on('timeout', () => { // For keep-alive connections, just log a warning instead of closing if (record.hasKeepAlive) { console.log( `[${connectionId}] Timeout event on incoming keep-alive connection from ${ record.remoteIP } after ${plugins.prettyMs( this.settings.socketTimeout || 3600000 )}. Connection preserved.` ); return; } // For non-keep-alive connections, proceed with normal cleanup console.log( `[${connectionId}] Timeout on incoming side from ${ record.remoteIP } after ${plugins.prettyMs(this.settings.socketTimeout || 3600000)}` ); if (record.incomingTerminationReason === null) { record.incomingTerminationReason = 'timeout'; this.connectionManager.incrementTerminationStat('incoming', 'timeout'); } this.connectionManager.initiateCleanupOnce(record, 'timeout_incoming'); }); targetSocket.on('timeout', () => { // For keep-alive connections, just log a warning instead of closing if (record.hasKeepAlive) { console.log( `[${connectionId}] Timeout event on outgoing keep-alive connection from ${ record.remoteIP } after ${plugins.prettyMs( this.settings.socketTimeout || 3600000 )}. Connection preserved.` ); return; } // For non-keep-alive connections, proceed with normal cleanup console.log( `[${connectionId}] Timeout on outgoing side from ${ record.remoteIP } after ${plugins.prettyMs(this.settings.socketTimeout || 3600000)}` ); if (record.outgoingTerminationReason === null) { record.outgoingTerminationReason = 'timeout'; this.connectionManager.incrementTerminationStat('outgoing', 'timeout'); } this.connectionManager.initiateCleanupOnce(record, 'timeout_outgoing'); }); // Apply socket timeouts this.timeoutManager.applySocketTimeouts(record); // Track outgoing data for bytes counting targetSocket.on('data', (chunk: Buffer) => { record.bytesSent += chunk.length; this.timeoutManager.updateActivity(record); }); // Wait for the outgoing connection to be ready before setting up piping targetSocket.once('connect', () => { // Clear the initial connection error handler targetSocket.removeAllListeners('error'); // Add the normal error handler for established connections targetSocket.on('error', this.connectionManager.handleError('outgoing', record)); // Process any remaining data in the queue before switching to piping processDataQueue(); // Set up piping immediately pipingEstablished = true; // Flush all pending data to target if (record.pendingData.length > 0) { const combinedData = Buffer.concat(record.pendingData); if (this.settings.enableDetailedLogging) { console.log(`[${connectionId}] Forwarding ${combinedData.length} bytes of initial data to target`); } // Write pending data immediately targetSocket.write(combinedData, (err) => { if (err) { console.log(`[${connectionId}] Error writing pending data to target: ${err.message}`); return this.connectionManager.initiateCleanupOnce(record, 'write_error'); } }); // Clear the buffer now that we've processed it record.pendingData = []; record.pendingDataSize = 0; } // Setup piping in both directions without any delays socket.pipe(targetSocket); targetSocket.pipe(socket); // Resume the socket to ensure data flows socket.resume(); // Process any data that might be queued in the interim if (dataQueue.length > 0) { // Write any remaining queued data directly to the target socket for (const chunk of dataQueue) { targetSocket.write(chunk); } // Clear the queue dataQueue.length = 0; queueSize = 0; } if (this.settings.enableDetailedLogging) { console.log( `[${connectionId}] Connection established: ${record.remoteIP} -> ${targetHost}:${connectionOptions.port}` + `${ serverName ? ` (SNI: ${serverName})` : domainConfig ? ` (Port-based for domain: ${', ')})` : '' }` + ` TLS: ${record.isTLS ? 'Yes' : 'No'}, Keep-Alive: ${ record.hasKeepAlive ? 'Yes' : 'No' }` ); } else { console.log( `Connection established: ${record.remoteIP} -> ${targetHost}:${connectionOptions.port}` + `${ serverName ? ` (SNI: ${serverName})` : domainConfig ? ` (Port-based for domain: ${', ')})` : '' }` ); } // Add the renegotiation handler for SNI validation if (serverName) { // Create connection info object for the existing connection const connInfo = { sourceIp: record.remoteIP, sourcePort: record.incoming.remotePort || 0, destIp: record.incoming.localAddress || '', destPort: record.incoming.localPort || 0, }; // Create a renegotiation handler function const renegotiationHandler = this.tlsManager.createRenegotiationHandler( connectionId, serverName, connInfo, (connectionId, reason) => this.connectionManager.initiateCleanupOnce(record, reason) ); // Store the handler in the connection record so we can remove it during cleanup record.renegotiationHandler = renegotiationHandler; // Add the handler to the socket socket.on('data', renegotiationHandler); if (this.settings.enableDetailedLogging) { console.log( `[${connectionId}] TLS renegotiation handler installed for SNI domain: ${serverName}` ); if (this.settings.allowSessionTicket === false) { console.log( `[${connectionId}] Session ticket usage is disabled. Connection will be reset on reconnection attempts.` ); } } } // Set connection timeout record.cleanupTimer = this.timeoutManager.setupConnectionTimeout( record, (record, reason) => { console.log( `[${connectionId}] Connection from ${record.remoteIP} exceeded max lifetime, forcing cleanup.` ); this.connectionManager.initiateCleanupOnce(record, reason); } ); // Mark TLS handshake as complete for TLS connections if (record.isTLS) { record.tlsHandshakeComplete = true; if (this.settings.enableTlsDebugLogging) { console.log( `[${connectionId}] TLS handshake complete for connection from ${record.remoteIP}` ); } } }); } }