# @push.rocks/smartproxy A powerful proxy package that effectively handles high traffic, with features such as SSL/TLS support, port proxying, WebSocket handling, and dynamic routing with authentication options. ## Architecture & Flow Diagrams ### Component Architecture The diagram below illustrates the main components of SmartProxy and how they interact: ```mermaid flowchart TB Client([Client]) subgraph "SmartProxy Components" direction TB HTTP80[HTTP Port 80\nSslRedirect] HTTPS443[HTTPS Port 443\nNetworkProxy] PortProxy[TCP Port Proxy\nwith SNI routing] IPTables[IPTablesProxy] Router[ProxyRouter] ACME[Port80Handler\nACME/Let's Encrypt] Certs[(SSL Certificates)] end subgraph "Backend Services" Service1[Service 1] Service2[Service 2] Service3[Service 3] end Client -->|HTTP Request| HTTP80 HTTP80 -->|Redirect| Client Client -->|HTTPS Request| HTTPS443 Client -->|TLS/TCP| PortProxy HTTPS443 -->|Route Request| Router Router -->|Proxy Request| Service1 Router -->|Proxy Request| Service2 PortProxy -->|Direct TCP| Service2 PortProxy -->|Direct TCP| Service3 IPTables -.->|Low-level forwarding| PortProxy HTTP80 -.->|Challenge Response| ACME ACME -.->|Generate/Manage| Certs Certs -.->|Provide TLS Certs| HTTPS443 classDef component fill:#f9f,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px; classDef backend fill:#bbf,stroke:#333,stroke-width:1px; classDef client fill:#dfd,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px; class Client client; class HTTP80,HTTPS443,PortProxy,IPTables,Router,ACME component; class Service1,Service2,Service3 backend; ``` ### HTTPS Reverse Proxy Flow This diagram shows how HTTPS requests are handled and proxied to backend services: ```mermaid sequenceDiagram participant Client participant NetworkProxy participant ProxyRouter participant Backend Client->>NetworkProxy: HTTPS Request Note over NetworkProxy: TLS Termination NetworkProxy->>ProxyRouter: Route Request ProxyRouter->>ProxyRouter: Match hostname to config alt Authentication Required NetworkProxy->>Client: Request Authentication Client->>NetworkProxy: Send Credentials NetworkProxy->>NetworkProxy: Validate Credentials end NetworkProxy->>Backend: Forward Request Backend->>NetworkProxy: Response Note over NetworkProxy: Add Default Headers NetworkProxy->>Client: Forward Response alt WebSocket Request Client->>NetworkProxy: Upgrade to WebSocket NetworkProxy->>Backend: Upgrade to WebSocket loop WebSocket Active Client->>NetworkProxy: WebSocket Message NetworkProxy->>Backend: Forward Message Backend->>NetworkProxy: WebSocket Message NetworkProxy->>Client: Forward Message NetworkProxy-->>NetworkProxy: Heartbeat Check end end ``` ### Port Proxy with SNI-based Routing This diagram illustrates how TCP connections with SNI (Server Name Indication) are processed and forwarded: ```mermaid sequenceDiagram participant Client participant PortProxy participant Backend Client->>PortProxy: TLS Connection alt SNI Enabled PortProxy->>Client: Accept Connection Client->>PortProxy: TLS ClientHello with SNI PortProxy->>PortProxy: Extract SNI Hostname PortProxy->>PortProxy: Match Domain Config PortProxy->>PortProxy: Validate Client IP alt IP Allowed PortProxy->>Backend: Forward Connection Note over PortProxy,Backend: Bidirectional Data Flow else IP Rejected PortProxy->>Client: Close Connection end else Port-based Routing PortProxy->>PortProxy: Match Port Range PortProxy->>PortProxy: Find Domain Config PortProxy->>PortProxy: Validate Client IP alt IP Allowed PortProxy->>Backend: Forward Connection Note over PortProxy,Backend: Bidirectional Data Flow else IP Rejected PortProxy->>Client: Close Connection end end loop Connection Active PortProxy-->>PortProxy: Monitor Activity PortProxy-->>PortProxy: Check Max Lifetime alt Inactivity or Max Lifetime Exceeded PortProxy->>Client: Close Connection PortProxy->>Backend: Close Connection end end ``` ### Let's Encrypt Certificate Acquisition This diagram shows how certificates are automatically acquired through the ACME protocol: ```mermaid sequenceDiagram participant Client participant Port80Handler participant ACME as Let's Encrypt ACME participant NetworkProxy Client->>Port80Handler: HTTP Request for domain alt Certificate Exists Port80Handler->>Client: Redirect to HTTPS else No Certificate Port80Handler->>Port80Handler: Mark domain as obtaining cert Port80Handler->>ACME: Create account & new order ACME->>Port80Handler: Challenge information Port80Handler->>Port80Handler: Store challenge token & key authorization ACME->>Port80Handler: HTTP-01 Challenge Request Port80Handler->>ACME: Challenge Response ACME->>ACME: Validate domain ownership ACME->>Port80Handler: Challenge validated Port80Handler->>Port80Handler: Generate CSR Port80Handler->>ACME: Submit CSR ACME->>Port80Handler: Issue Certificate Port80Handler->>Port80Handler: Store certificate & private key Port80Handler->>Port80Handler: Mark certificate as obtained Note over Port80Handler,NetworkProxy: Certificate available for use Client->>Port80Handler: Another HTTP Request Port80Handler->>Client: Redirect to HTTPS Client->>NetworkProxy: HTTPS Request Note over NetworkProxy: Uses new certificate end ``` ## Features - **HTTPS Reverse Proxy** - Route traffic to backend services based on hostname with TLS termination - **WebSocket Support** - Full WebSocket proxying with heartbeat monitoring - **TCP Port Forwarding** - Advanced port forwarding with SNI inspection and domain-based routing - **Enhanced TLS Handling** - Robust TLS handshake processing with improved certificate error handling - **HTTP to HTTPS Redirection** - Automatically redirect HTTP requests to HTTPS - **Let's Encrypt Integration** - Automatic certificate management using ACME protocol - **IP Filtering** - Control access with IP allow/block lists using glob patterns - **IPTables Integration** - Direct manipulation of iptables for low-level port forwarding - **Basic Authentication** - Support for basic auth on proxied routes - **Connection Management** - Intelligent connection tracking and cleanup with configurable timeouts - **Browser Compatibility** - Optimized for modern browsers with fixes for common TLS handshake issues ## Installation ```bash npm install @push.rocks/smartproxy ``` ## Usage ### Basic Reverse Proxy Setup ```typescript import { NetworkProxy } from '@push.rocks/smartproxy'; // Create a reverse proxy listening on port 443 const proxy = new NetworkProxy({ port: 443 }); // Define reverse proxy configurations const proxyConfigs = [ { hostName: 'example.com', destinationIp: '', destinationPort: 3000, publicKey: 'your-cert-content', privateKey: 'your-key-content' }, { hostName: 'api.example.com', destinationIp: '', destinationPort: 4000, publicKey: 'your-cert-content', privateKey: 'your-key-content', // Optional basic auth authentication: { type: 'Basic', user: 'admin', pass: 'secret' } } ]; // Start the proxy and update configurations (async () => { await proxy.start(); await proxy.updateProxyConfigs(proxyConfigs); // Add default headers to all responses await proxy.addDefaultHeaders({ 'Strict-Transport-Security': 'max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains; preload' }); })(); ``` ### HTTP to HTTPS Redirection ```typescript import { SslRedirect } from '@push.rocks/smartproxy'; // Create and start HTTP to HTTPS redirect service on port 80 const redirector = new SslRedirect(80); redirector.start(); ``` ### TCP Port Forwarding with Domain-based Routing ```typescript import { PortProxy } from '@push.rocks/smartproxy'; // Configure port proxy with domain-based routing const portProxy = new PortProxy({ fromPort: 443, toPort: 8443, targetIP: 'localhost', // Default target host sniEnabled: true, // Enable SNI inspection // Enhanced reliability settings initialDataTimeout: 60000, // 60 seconds for initial TLS handshake socketTimeout: 3600000, // 1 hour socket timeout maxConnectionLifetime: 3600000, // 1 hour connection lifetime inactivityTimeout: 3600000, // 1 hour inactivity timeout maxPendingDataSize: 10 * 1024 * 1024, // 10MB buffer for large TLS handshakes // Browser compatibility enhancement enableTlsDebugLogging: false, // Enable for troubleshooting TLS issues // Port and IP configuration globalPortRanges: [{ from: 443, to: 443 }], defaultAllowedIPs: ['*'], // Allow all IPs by default // Socket optimizations for better connection stability noDelay: true, // Disable Nagle's algorithm keepAlive: true, // Enable TCP keepalive enableKeepAliveProbes: true, // Enhanced keepalive for stability // Domain-specific routing configuration domainConfigs: [ { domains: ['example.com', '*.example.com'], // Glob patterns for matching domains allowedIPs: ['192.168.1.*'], // Restrict access by IP blockedIPs: [''], // Block specific IPs targetIPs: ['', ''], // Round-robin between multiple targets portRanges: [{ from: 443, to: 443 }], connectionTimeout: 7200000 // Domain-specific timeout (2 hours) } ], preserveSourceIP: true }); portProxy.start(); ``` ### IPTables Port Forwarding ```typescript import { IPTablesProxy } from '@push.rocks/smartproxy'; // Basic usage - forward single port const basicProxy = new IPTablesProxy({ fromPort: 80, toPort: 8080, toHost: 'localhost', preserveSourceIP: true, deleteOnExit: true // Automatically clean up rules on process exit }); // Forward port ranges const rangeProxy = new IPTablesProxy({ fromPort: { from: 3000, to: 3010 }, // Forward ports 3000-3010 toPort: { from: 8000, to: 8010 }, // To ports 8000-8010 protocol: 'tcp', // TCP protocol (default) ipv6Support: true, // Enable IPv6 support enableLogging: true // Enable detailed logging }); // Multiple port specifications with IP filtering const advancedProxy = new IPTablesProxy({ fromPort: [80, 443, { from: 8000, to: 8010 }], // Multiple ports/ranges toPort: [8080, 8443, { from: 18000, to: 18010 }], allowedSourceIPs: ['', ''], // Only allow these IPs bannedSourceIPs: [''], // Explicitly block these IPs addJumpRule: true, // Use custom chain for better management checkExistingRules: true // Check for duplicate rules }); // NetworkProxy integration for SSL termination const sslProxy = new IPTablesProxy({ fromPort: 443, toPort: 8443, netProxyIntegration: { enabled: true, redirectLocalhost: true, // Redirect localhost traffic to NetworkProxy sslTerminationPort: 8443 // Port where NetworkProxy handles SSL } }); // Start any of the proxies await basicProxy.start(); ``` ### Automatic HTTPS Certificate Management ```typescript import { Port80Handler } from '@push.rocks/smartproxy'; // Create an ACME handler for Let's Encrypt const acmeHandler = new Port80Handler(); // Add domains to manage certificates for acmeHandler.addDomain('example.com'); acmeHandler.addDomain('api.example.com'); ``` ## Configuration Options ### NetworkProxy Options | Option | Description | Default | |----------------|---------------------------------------------------|---------| | `port` | Port to listen on for HTTPS connections | - | ### PortProxy Settings | Option | Description | Default | |---------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------|-------------| | `fromPort` | Port to listen on | - | | `toPort` | Destination port to forward to | - | | `targetIP` | Default destination IP if not specified in domainConfig | 'localhost' | | `sniEnabled` | Enable SNI inspection for TLS connections | false | | `defaultAllowedIPs` | IP patterns allowed by default | - | | `defaultBlockedIPs` | IP patterns blocked by default | - | | `preserveSourceIP` | Preserve the original client IP | false | | `maxConnectionLifetime` | Maximum time in ms to keep a connection open | 3600000 | | `initialDataTimeout` | Timeout for initial data/handshake in ms | 60000 | | `socketTimeout` | Socket inactivity timeout in ms | 3600000 | | `inactivityTimeout` | Connection inactivity check timeout in ms | 3600000 | | `inactivityCheckInterval` | How often to check for inactive connections in ms | 60000 | | `maxPendingDataSize` | Maximum bytes to buffer during connection setup | 10485760 | | `globalPortRanges` | Array of port ranges to listen on | - | | `forwardAllGlobalRanges` | Forward all global range connections to targetIP | false | | `gracefulShutdownTimeout` | Time in ms to wait during shutdown | 30000 | | `noDelay` | Disable Nagle's algorithm | true | | `keepAlive` | Enable TCP keepalive | true | | `keepAliveInitialDelay` | Initial delay before sending keepalive probes in ms | 30000 | | `enableKeepAliveProbes` | Enable enhanced TCP keep-alive probes | false | | `enableTlsDebugLogging` | Enable detailed TLS handshake debugging | false | | `enableDetailedLogging` | Enable detailed connection logging | false | | `enableRandomizedTimeouts`| Randomize timeouts slightly to prevent thundering herd | true | ### IPTablesProxy Settings | Option | Description | Default | |-----------------------|---------------------------------------------------|-------------| | `fromPort` | Source port(s) or range(s) to forward from | - | | `toPort` | Destination port(s) or range(s) to forward to | - | | `toHost` | Destination host to forward to | 'localhost' | | `preserveSourceIP` | Preserve the original client IP | false | | `deleteOnExit` | Remove iptables rules when process exits | false | | `protocol` | Protocol to forward ('tcp', 'udp', or 'all') | 'tcp' | | `enableLogging` | Enable detailed logging | false | | `ipv6Support` | Enable IPv6 support with ip6tables | false | | `allowedSourceIPs` | Array of IP addresses/CIDR allowed to connect | - | | `bannedSourceIPs` | Array of IP addresses/CIDR blocked from connecting | - | | `forceCleanSlate` | Clear all IPTablesProxy rules before starting | false | | `addJumpRule` | Add a custom chain for cleaner rule management | false | | `checkExistingRules` | Check if rules already exist before adding | true | | `netProxyIntegration` | NetworkProxy integration options (object) | - | #### IPTablesProxy NetworkProxy Integration Options | Option | Description | Default | |----------------------|---------------------------------------------------|---------| | `enabled` | Enable NetworkProxy integration | false | | `redirectLocalhost` | Redirect localhost traffic to NetworkProxy | false | | `sslTerminationPort` | Port where NetworkProxy handles SSL termination | - | ## Advanced Features ### TLS Handshake Optimization The enhanced `PortProxy` implementation includes significant improvements for TLS handshake handling: - Robust SNI extraction with improved error handling - Increased buffer size for complex TLS handshakes (10MB) - Longer initial handshake timeout (60 seconds) - Detection and tracking of TLS connection states - Optional detailed TLS debug logging for troubleshooting - Browser compatibility fixes for Chrome certificate errors ```typescript // Example configuration to solve Chrome certificate errors const portProxy = new PortProxy({ // ... other settings initialDataTimeout: 60000, // Give browser more time for handshake maxPendingDataSize: 10 * 1024 * 1024, // Larger buffer for complex handshakes enableTlsDebugLogging: true, // Enable when troubleshooting }); ``` ### Connection Management and Monitoring The `PortProxy` class includes built-in connection tracking and monitoring: - Automatic cleanup of idle connections with configurable timeouts - Timeouts for connections that exceed maximum lifetime - Detailed logging of connection states - Termination statistics - Randomized timeouts to prevent "thundering herd" problems - Per-domain timeout configuration ### WebSocket Support The `NetworkProxy` class provides WebSocket support with: - WebSocket connection proxying - Automatic heartbeat monitoring - Connection cleanup for inactive WebSockets ### SNI-based Routing The `PortProxy` class can inspect the SNI (Server Name Indication) field in TLS handshakes to route connections based on the requested domain: - Multiple backend targets per domain - Round-robin load balancing - Domain-specific allowed IP ranges - Protection against SNI renegotiation attacks ### Enhanced IPTables Management The improved `IPTablesProxy` class offers advanced capabilities: - Support for multiple port ranges and individual ports - IPv6 support with ip6tables - Source IP filtering with allow/block lists - Custom chain creation for better rule organization - NetworkProxy integration for SSL termination - Automatic rule existence checking to prevent duplicates - Comprehensive cleanup on shutdown ## Troubleshooting ### Browser Certificate Errors If you experience certificate errors in browsers, especially in Chrome, try these solutions: 1. **Increase Initial Data Timeout**: Set `initialDataTimeout` to 60 seconds or higher 2. **Increase Buffer Size**: Set `maxPendingDataSize` to 10MB or higher 3. **Enable TLS Debug Logging**: Set `enableTlsDebugLogging: true` to troubleshoot handshake issues 4. **Enable Keep-Alive Probes**: Set `enableKeepAliveProbes: true` for better connection stability 5. **Check Certificate Chain**: Ensure your certificate chain is complete and in the correct order ```typescript // Configuration to fix Chrome certificate errors const portProxy = new PortProxy({ // ... other settings initialDataTimeout: 60000, maxPendingDataSize: 10 * 1024 * 1024, enableTlsDebugLogging: true, enableKeepAliveProbes: true }); ``` ### Connection Stability For improved connection stability in high-traffic environments: 1. **Set Appropriate Timeouts**: Use longer timeouts for long-lived connections 2. **Use Domain-Specific Timeouts**: Configure per-domain timeouts for different types of services 3. **Enable TCP Keep-Alive**: Ensure `keepAlive` is set to `true` 4. **Monitor Connection Statistics**: Enable detailed logging to track termination reasons 5. **Fine-tune Inactivity Checks**: Adjust `inactivityCheckInterval` based on your traffic patterns ### IPTables Troubleshooting If you're experiencing issues with IPTablesProxy: 1. **Enable Detailed Logging**: Set `enableLogging: true` to see all rule operations 2. **Force Clean Slate**: Use `forceCleanSlate: true` to remove any lingering rules 3. **Use Custom Chains**: Enable `addJumpRule: true` for cleaner rule management 4. **Check Permissions**: Ensure your process has sufficient permissions to modify iptables 5. **Verify IPv6 Support**: If using `ipv6Support: true`, ensure ip6tables is available ## License and Legal Information This repository contains open-source code that is licensed under the MIT License. A copy of the MIT License can be found in the [license](license) file within this repository. **Please note:** The MIT License does not grant permission to use the trade names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the project, except as required for reasonable and customary use in describing the origin of the work and reproducing the content of the NOTICE file. ### Trademarks This project is owned and maintained by Task Venture Capital GmbH. The names and logos associated with Task Venture Capital GmbH and any related products or services are trademarks of Task Venture Capital GmbH and are not included within the scope of the MIT license granted herein. Use of these trademarks must comply with Task Venture Capital GmbH's Trademark Guidelines, and any usage must be approved in writing by Task Venture Capital GmbH. ### Company Information Task Venture Capital GmbH Registered at District court Bremen HRB 35230 HB, Germany For any legal inquiries or if you require further information, please contact us via email at hello@task.vc. By using this repository, you acknowledge that you have read this section, agree to comply with its terms, and understand that the licensing of the code does not imply endorsement by Task Venture Capital GmbH of any derivative works.