import * as plugins from './plugins.js'; import { ProxyRouter } from './smartproxy.classes.router.js'; import * as fs from 'fs'; import * as path from 'path'; import { fileURLToPath } from 'url'; export interface INetworkProxyOptions { port: number; } interface IWebSocketWithHeartbeat extends plugins.wsDefault { lastPong: number; } export class NetworkProxy { public options: INetworkProxyOptions; public proxyConfigs:[] = []; public httpsServer: plugins.https.Server; public router = new ProxyRouter(); public socketMap = new plugins.lik.ObjectMap(); public defaultHeaders: { [key: string]: string } = {}; public heartbeatInterval: NodeJS.Timeout; private defaultCertificates: { key: string; cert: string }; public alreadyAddedReverseConfigs: { [hostName: string]:; } = {}; constructor(optionsArg: INetworkProxyOptions) { this.options = optionsArg; const __dirname = path.dirname(fileURLToPath(import.meta.url)); const certPath = path.join(__dirname, '..', 'assets', 'certs'); try { this.defaultCertificates = { key: fs.readFileSync(path.join(certPath, 'key.pem'), 'utf8'), cert: fs.readFileSync(path.join(certPath, 'cert.pem'), 'utf8') }; } catch (error) { console.error('Error loading certificates:', error); throw error; } } public async start() { // Instead of marking the callback async (which Node won't await), // we call our async handler and catch errors. this.httpsServer = plugins.https.createServer( { key: this.defaultCertificates.key, cert: this.defaultCertificates.cert }, (originRequest, originResponse) => { this.handleRequest(originRequest, originResponse).catch((error) => { console.error('Unhandled error in request handler:', error); try { originResponse.end(); } catch (err) { // ignore errors during cleanup } }); }, ); // Enable websockets const wsServer = new{ server: this.httpsServer }); // Set up the heartbeat interval this.heartbeatInterval = setInterval(() => { wsServer.clients.forEach((ws: plugins.wsDefault) => { const wsIncoming = ws as IWebSocketWithHeartbeat; if (!wsIncoming.lastPong) { wsIncoming.lastPong =; } if ( - wsIncoming.lastPong > 5 * 60 * 1000) { console.log('Terminating websocket due to missing pong for 5 minutes.'); wsIncoming.terminate(); } else {; } }); }, 60000); // runs every 1 minute wsServer.on( 'connection', (wsIncoming: IWebSocketWithHeartbeat, reqArg: plugins.http.IncomingMessage) => { console.log( `wss proxy: got connection for wsc for https://${}${reqArg.url}`, ); wsIncoming.lastPong =; wsIncoming.on('pong', () => { wsIncoming.lastPong =; }); let wsOutgoing: plugins.wsDefault; const outGoingDeferred = plugins.smartpromise.defer(); // --- Improvement 2: Only call routeReq once --- const wsDestinationConfig = this.router.routeReq(reqArg); if (!wsDestinationConfig) { wsIncoming.terminate(); return; } try { wsOutgoing = new plugins.wsDefault( `ws://${wsDestinationConfig.destinationIp}:${wsDestinationConfig.destinationPort}${reqArg.url}`, ); console.log('wss proxy: initiated outgoing proxy'); wsOutgoing.on('open', async () => { outGoingDeferred.resolve(); }); } catch (err) { console.error('Error initiating outgoing WebSocket:', err); wsIncoming.terminate(); return; } wsIncoming.on('message', async (message, isBinary) => { try { await outGoingDeferred.promise; wsOutgoing.send(message, { binary: isBinary }); } catch (error) { console.error('Error sending message to wsOutgoing:', error); } }); wsOutgoing.on('message', async (message, isBinary) => { try { wsIncoming.send(message, { binary: isBinary }); } catch (error) { console.error('Error sending message to wsIncoming:', error); } }); const terminateWsOutgoing = () => { if (wsOutgoing) { wsOutgoing.terminate(); console.log('Terminated outgoing ws.'); } }; wsIncoming.on('error', terminateWsOutgoing); wsIncoming.on('close', terminateWsOutgoing); const terminateWsIncoming = () => { if (wsIncoming) { wsIncoming.terminate(); console.log('Terminated incoming ws.'); } }; wsOutgoing.on('error', terminateWsIncoming); wsOutgoing.on('close', terminateWsIncoming); }, ); this.httpsServer.keepAliveTimeout = 600 * 1000; this.httpsServer.headersTimeout = 600 * 1000; this.httpsServer.on('connection', (connection: => { this.socketMap.add(connection); console.log(`Added connection. Now ${this.socketMap.getArray().length} sockets connected.`); const cleanupConnection = () => { if (this.socketMap.checkForObject(connection)) { this.socketMap.remove(connection); console.log(`Removed connection. ${this.socketMap.getArray().length} sockets remaining.`); connection.destroy(); } }; connection.on('close', cleanupConnection); connection.on('error', cleanupConnection); connection.on('end', cleanupConnection); connection.on('timeout', cleanupConnection); }); this.httpsServer.listen(this.options.port); console.log( `NetworkProxy -> OK: now listening for new connections on port ${this.options.port}`, ); } /** * Internal async handler for processing HTTP/HTTPS requests. */ private async handleRequest( originRequest: plugins.http.IncomingMessage, originResponse: plugins.http.ServerResponse, ): Promise { const endOriginReqRes = ( statusArg: number = 404, messageArg: string = 'This route is not available on this server.', headers: plugins.http.OutgoingHttpHeaders = {}, ) => { originResponse.writeHead(statusArg, messageArg); originResponse.end(messageArg); if (originRequest.socket !== originResponse.socket) { console.log('hey, something is strange.'); } originResponse.destroy(); }; console.log( `got request: ${}${plugins.url.parse(originRequest.url).path}`, ); const destinationConfig = this.router.routeReq(originRequest); if (!destinationConfig) { console.log( `${} can't be routed properly. Terminating request.`, ); endOriginReqRes(); return; } // authentication if (destinationConfig.authentication) { const authInfo = destinationConfig.authentication; switch (authInfo.type) { case 'Basic': { const authHeader = originRequest.headers.authorization; if (!authHeader) { return endOriginReqRes(401, 'Authentication required', { 'WWW-Authenticate': 'Basic realm="Access to the staging site", charset="UTF-8"', }); } if (!authHeader.includes('Basic ')) { return endOriginReqRes(401, 'Authentication required', { 'WWW-Authenticate': 'Basic realm="Access to the staging site", charset="UTF-8"', }); } const authStringBase64 = authHeader.replace('Basic ', ''); const authString: string = plugins.smartstring.base64.decode(authStringBase64); const userPassArray = authString.split(':'); const user = userPassArray[0]; const pass = userPassArray[1]; if (user === authInfo.user && pass === authInfo.pass) { console.log('Request successfully authenticated'); } else { return endOriginReqRes(403, 'Forbidden: Wrong credentials'); } break; } default: return endOriginReqRes( 403, 'Forbidden: unsupported authentication method configured. Please report to the admin.', ); } } let destinationUrl: string; if (destinationConfig) { destinationUrl = `http://${destinationConfig.destinationIp}:${destinationConfig.destinationPort}${originRequest.url}`; } else { return endOriginReqRes(); } console.log(destinationUrl); try { const proxyResponse = await plugins.smartrequest.request( destinationUrl, { method: originRequest.method, headers: { ...originRequest.headers, 'X-Forwarded-Host':, 'X-Forwarded-Proto': 'https', }, keepAlive: true, }, true, // streaming (keepAlive) (proxyRequest) => { originRequest.on('data', (data) => { proxyRequest.write(data); }); originRequest.on('end', () => { proxyRequest.end(); }); originRequest.on('error', () => { proxyRequest.end(); }); originRequest.on('close', () => { proxyRequest.end(); }); originRequest.on('timeout', () => { proxyRequest.end(); originRequest.destroy(); }); proxyRequest.on('error', () => { endOriginReqRes(); }); }, ); originResponse.statusCode = proxyResponse.statusCode; console.log(proxyResponse.statusCode); for (const defaultHeader of Object.keys(this.defaultHeaders)) { originResponse.setHeader(defaultHeader, this.defaultHeaders[defaultHeader]); } for (const header of Object.keys(proxyResponse.headers)) { originResponse.setHeader(header, proxyResponse.headers[header]); } proxyResponse.on('data', (data) => { originResponse.write(data); }); proxyResponse.on('end', () => { originResponse.end(); }); proxyResponse.on('error', () => { originResponse.destroy(); }); proxyResponse.on('close', () => { originResponse.end(); }); proxyResponse.on('timeout', () => { originResponse.end(); originResponse.destroy(); }); } catch (error) { console.error('Error while processing request:', error); endOriginReqRes(502, 'Bad Gateway: Error processing the request'); } } public async updateProxyConfigs( proxyConfigsArg:[], ) { console.log(`got new proxy configs`); this.proxyConfigs = proxyConfigsArg; this.router.setNewProxyConfigs(proxyConfigsArg); for (const hostCandidate of this.proxyConfigs) { const existingHostNameConfig = this.alreadyAddedReverseConfigs[hostCandidate.hostName]; if (!existingHostNameConfig) { this.alreadyAddedReverseConfigs[hostCandidate.hostName] = hostCandidate; } else { if ( existingHostNameConfig.publicKey === hostCandidate.publicKey && existingHostNameConfig.privateKey === hostCandidate.privateKey ) { continue; } else { this.alreadyAddedReverseConfigs[hostCandidate.hostName] = hostCandidate; } } this.httpsServer.addContext(hostCandidate.hostName, { cert: hostCandidate.publicKey, key: hostCandidate.privateKey, }); } } public async addDefaultHeaders(headersArg: { [key: string]: string }) { for (const headerKey of Object.keys(headersArg)) { this.defaultHeaders[headerKey] = headersArg[headerKey]; } } public async stop() { const done = plugins.smartpromise.defer(); this.httpsServer.close(() => { done.resolve(); }); for (const socket of this.socketMap.getArray()) { socket.destroy(); } await done.promise; clearInterval(this.heartbeatInterval); console.log('NetworkProxy -> OK: Server has been stopped and all connections closed.'); } }