import * as plugins from './smartrequest.plugins'; import * as interfaces from './smartrequest.interfaces'; import { IncomingMessage } from 'http'; export interface IExtendedIncomingMessage extends IncomingMessage { body: any; } const buildUtf8Response = ( incomingMessageArg: IncomingMessage, autoJsonParse = true ): Promise => { const done = plugins.smartpromise.defer(); // Continuously update stream with data let body = ''; incomingMessageArg.on('data', chunkArg => { body += chunkArg; }); incomingMessageArg.on('end', () => { if (autoJsonParse) { try { (incomingMessageArg as IExtendedIncomingMessage).body = JSON.parse(body); } catch (err) { (incomingMessageArg as IExtendedIncomingMessage).body = body; } } else { (incomingMessageArg as IExtendedIncomingMessage).body = body; } done.resolve(incomingMessageArg as IExtendedIncomingMessage); }); return done.promise; }; /** * determine wether a url is a unix sock * @param urlArg */ const testForUnixSock = (urlArg: string): boolean => { const unixRegex = /^(http:\/\/|https:\/\/|)unix:/; return unixRegex.test(urlArg); }; /** * determine socketPath and path for unixsock */ const parseSocketPathAndRoute = (stringToParseArg: string) => { const parseRegex = /(.*):(.*)/; const result = parseRegex.exec(stringToParseArg); return { socketPath: result[1], path: result[2] }; }; /** * a custom http agent to make sure we can set custom keepAlive options for speedy subsequent calls */ const httpAgent = new plugins.agentkeepalive.default(); /** * a custom http agent to make sure we can set custom keepAlive options for speedy subsequent calls */ const httpAgentKeepAliveFalse = new plugins.http.Agent({ maxFreeSockets: 0, keepAlive: false, keepAliveMsecs: 0 }); /** * a custom https agent to make sure we can set custom keepAlive options for speedy subsequent calls */ const httpsAgent = new plugins.agentkeepalive.HttpsAgent(); /** * a custom https agent to make sure we can set custom keepAlive options for speedy subsequent calls */ const httpsAgentKeepAliveFalse = new plugins.https.Agent({ maxFreeSockets: 0, keepAlive: false, keepAliveMsecs: 0 }); export let request = async ( domainArg: string, optionsArg: interfaces.ISmartRequestOptions = {}, streamArg: boolean = false ): Promise => { const done = plugins.smartpromise.defer(); // merge options const defaultOptions: interfaces.ISmartRequestOptions = { // agent: agent, autoJsonParse: true, keepAlive: true }; optionsArg = { ...defaultOptions, ...optionsArg }; // parse url const parsedUrl = plugins.url.parse(domainArg); optionsArg.hostname = parsedUrl.hostname; if (parsedUrl.port) { optionsArg.port = parseInt(parsedUrl.port, 10); } optionsArg.path = parsedUrl.path; // determine if unixsock if (testForUnixSock(domainArg)) { const detailedUnixPath = parseSocketPathAndRoute(optionsArg.path); optionsArg.socketPath = detailedUnixPath.socketPath; optionsArg.path = detailedUnixPath.path; } // TODO: support tcp sockets // lets determine the request module to use const requestModule = (() => { switch (true) { case parsedUrl.protocol === 'https:' && optionsArg.keepAlive: optionsArg.agent = httpsAgent; return plugins.https; case parsedUrl.protocol === 'https:' && (!optionsArg.keepAlive): optionsArg.agent = httpsAgentKeepAliveFalse; return plugins.https; case parsedUrl.protocol === 'http:' && optionsArg.keepAlive: optionsArg.agent = httpAgent; return plugins.http; case parsedUrl.protocol === 'http:' && (!optionsArg.keepAlive): optionsArg.agent = httpAgentKeepAliveFalse; return plugins.http; } })() as typeof plugins.https; // lets perform the actual request const requestToFire = requestModule.request(optionsArg, async response => { if (streamArg) { done.resolve(response); } else { const builtResponse = await buildUtf8Response(response, optionsArg.autoJsonParse); done.resolve(builtResponse); } }); // lets write the requestBody if (optionsArg.requestBody) { if (optionsArg.requestBody instanceof plugins.formData) { optionsArg.requestBody.pipe(requestToFire).on('finish', event => { requestToFire.end(); }); } else { if (typeof optionsArg.requestBody !== 'string') { optionsArg.requestBody = JSON.stringify(optionsArg.requestBody); } requestToFire.write(optionsArg.requestBody); requestToFire.end(); } } else { requestToFire.end(); } // lets handle an error requestToFire.on('error', e => { console.error(e); }); const result = await done.promise; return result; };