import { Observable, Subscription } from 'rxjs'; /** * ObservableIntake */ export declare class ObservableIntake { observable: Observable; completed: Promise; private completedDeffered; private observableFunctions; private generator; private buffered; private payloadBuffer; constructor(); setObservable(observableFunc: any): void; push(payloadArg: T): void; /** * pushes many payloads as array * @param payloadArgArray */ pushMany(payloadArgArray: T[]): void; /** * sets a generator to query the next pushed value * @param generatorArg */ setGenerator(generatorArg: any): void; makeBuffered(): void; subscribe(...args: any[]): Subscription; /** * request the next values in the quantity specified * @param howManyArg if a generator is set, of a buffer exists, this allows retrieving values */ request(howManyArg: number): void; /** * signals the completion of this observable */ signalComplete(): void; private internalPush(payloadArg); }