import * as plugins from './smartscaf.plugins' import * as helpers from './smartscaf.helpers' // interfaces import { Smartfile } from 'smartfile' export interface ScafTemplateContructorOptions { name?: string, description?: string sourceDir?: string } export class ScafTemplate { name: string description: string templateSmartfileArray: Smartfile[] requiredVariables: string[] defaultVariables: any suppliedVariables: any = {} missingVariables: string[] = [] /** * read a template from a directory */ async readTemplateFromDir (dirPathArg: string) { let dirPath = plugins.path.resolve(dirPathArg) this.templateSmartfileArray = await plugins.smartfile.fs.fileTreeToObject(dirPath, '**/*') await this._findVariablesInTemplate() await this._checkSuppliedVariables() await this._checkDefaultVariables() } /** * supply the variables to render the teplate with * @param variablesArg gets merged with this.suppliedVariables */ async supplyVariables (variablesArg) { this.suppliedVariables = plugins.lodash.merge(this.suppliedVariables, variablesArg) this.missingVariables = await this._checkSuppliedVariables() } /** * Will ask for the missing variables by cli interaction */ async askCliForMissingVariables () { this.missingVariables = await this._checkSuppliedVariables() let localSmartInteract = new plugins.smartinteract.SmartInteract() for (let missingVariable of this.missingVariables) { localSmartInteract.addQuestions([{ name: missingVariable, type: 'input', default: (() => { if (this.defaultVariables && this.defaultVariables[missingVariable]) { return this.defaultVariables[missingVariable] } else { return 'undefined variable' } })(), message: `What is the value of ${missingVariable}?` }]) } let answerBucket = await localSmartInteract.runQueue() answerBucket.answerMap.forEach(async answer => { await helpers.deepAddToObject(this.suppliedVariables,, answer.value) }) } async writeToDisk (destinationDirArg) { let smartfileArrayToWrite = plugins.lodash.cloneDeep(this.templateSmartfileArray) for (let smartfile of smartfileArrayToWrite) { // render the template let template = await plugins.smarthbs.getTemplateForString( smartfile.contents.toString() ) let renderedTemplateString = template(this.suppliedVariables) // handle frontmatter let parsedTemplate = plugins.smartfm.parse(renderedTemplateString) if ( { smartfile.updateFileName( } smartfile.contents = Buffer.from(parsedTemplate.content) } await plugins.smartfile.memory.smartfileArrayToFs(smartfileArrayToWrite, destinationDirArg) } /** * finds all variables in a Template in as string * e.g. myobject.someKey and myobject.someOtherKey */ private async _findVariablesInTemplate () { let templateVariables: string[] = [] for (let templateSmartfile of this.templateSmartfileArray) { let localTemplateVariables = await plugins.smarthbs.findVarsInHbsString(templateSmartfile.contents.toString()) templateVariables = plugins.lodash.concat(templateVariables, localTemplateVariables) } templateVariables = plugins.lodash.uniq(templateVariables) } /** * checks if supplied Variables satisfy the template */ private async _checkSuppliedVariables () { let missingVars: string[] = [] for (let templateSmartfile of this.templateSmartfileArray) { let localMissingVars = await plugins.smarthbs.checkVarsSatisfaction( templateSmartfile.contents.toString(), this.suppliedVariables ) missingVars = plugins.lodash.concat(missingVars, localMissingVars) } missingVars = plugins.lodash.uniq(missingVars) return missingVars } /** * checks the default.yml at the root of a template for default variables * allows 2 ways of notation in YAML: * >> myObject.myKey.someDeeperKey: someValue * >> myObject.yourKey.yourDeeperKey: yourValue * or * >> myObject: * >> - someKey: * >> - someDeeperKey: someValue * >> - yourKey: * >> - yourDeeperKey: yourValue */ private async _checkDefaultVariables () { let defaultsSmartfile = this.templateSmartfileArray.filter(smartfileArg => { return smartfileArg.parsedPath.base === 'defaults.yml' })[0] if (defaultsSmartfile) { let defaultObject = await plugins.smartyaml.yamlStringToObject( defaultsSmartfile.contents.toString() ) this.defaultVariables = defaultObject } else { this.defaultVariables = {} } } }