import { Smartfile } from 'smartfile'; export interface ScafTemplateContructorOptions { name?: string; description?: string; sourceDir?: string; } export declare class ScafTemplate { name: string; description: string; templateSmartfileArray: Smartfile[]; requiredVariables: string[]; defaultVariables: any; suppliedVariables: any; missingVariables: string[]; /** * read a template from a directory */ readTemplateFromDir(dirPathArg: string): Promise; /** * supply the variables to render the teplate with * @param variablesArg gets merged with this.suppliedVariables */ supplyVariables(variablesArg: any): Promise; /** * Will ask for the missing variables by cli interaction */ askCliForMissingVariables(): Promise; writeToDisk(destinationDirArg: any): Promise; /** * finds all variables in a Template in as string * e.g. myobject.someKey and myobject.someOtherKey */ private _findVariablesInTemplate(); /** * checks if supplied Variables satisfy the template */ private _checkSuppliedVariables(); /** * checks the default.yml at the root of a template for default variables * allows 2 ways of notation in YAML: * >> myObject.myKey.someDeeperKey: someValue * >> myObject.yourKey.yourDeeperKey: yourValue * or * >> myObject: * >> - someKey: * >> - someDeeperKey: someValue * >> - yourKey: * >> - yourDeeperKey: yourValue */ private _checkDefaultVariables(); }