import { expect, tap } from 'tapbundle' import * as smartshell from '../ts/index' import * as smartq from 'smartq' let testSmartshell: smartshell.Smartshell tap.test('smartshell should run async', async () => { let execResult = await smartshell.exec('npm -v') expect(execResult.stdout).to.match(/[0-9\.]*/) }) tap.test('smartshell should run async and silent', async () => { let execResult = await smartshell.execSilent('npm -v') expect(execResult.stdout).to.match(/[0-9\.]*/) }) tap.test('smartshell should stream a shell execution', async () => { let done = smartq.defer() let execStreamingResponse = smartshell.execStreaming('npm -v') execStreamingResponse.childProcess.stdout.on('data', data => { done.resolve(data) }) let data = await done.promise expect(data).to.match(/[0-9\.]*/) await execStreamingResponse.finalPromise }) tap.test('it should execute and wait for a line in the output', async () => { await smartshell.execAndWaitForLine('echo "5.0.4"', /5.0.4/) }) // Smartshell class tap.test('smartshell should create a Smartshell instance', async () => { testSmartshell = new smartshell.Smartshell({ executor: 'bash', sourceFilePaths: [] }) expect(testSmartshell) }) tap.test('smartshell should run async', async () => { return testSmartshell.execSilent('sleep 1 && npm -v').then(async (execResult) => { console.log(execResult.stdout) }) }) tap.start({ throwOnError: true })