import * as plugins from './smartsocket.plugins'; import * as helpers from './smartsocket.helpers'; import { Objectmap } from '@pushrocks/lik'; // import classes import { Smartsocket } from './smartsocket.classes.smartsocket'; import { SocketFunction } from './smartsocket.classes.socketfunction'; import { SocketRequest, ISocketRequestDataObject, allSocketRequests } from './smartsocket.classes.socketrequest'; import { SocketRole } from './smartsocket.classes.socketrole'; // import * as SocketIO from ''; // export interfaces /** * defines is a SocketConnection is server or client side. Important for mesh setups. */ export type TSocketConnectionSide = 'server' | 'client'; /** * interface for constructor of class SocketConnection */ export interface ISocketConnectionConstructorOptions { alias: string; authenticated: boolean; role: SocketRole; side: TSocketConnectionSide; smartsocketHost: Smartsocket; socket: SocketIO.Socket | SocketIOClient.Socket; } /** * interface for authentication data */ export interface ISocketConnectionAuthenticationObject { role: 'coreflowContainer'; password: 'somePassword'; alias: 'coreflow1'; } // export classes export let allSocketConnections = new Objectmap(); /** * class SocketConnection represents a websocket connection */ export class SocketConnection { public alias: string; public side: TSocketConnectionSide; public authenticated: boolean = false; public role: SocketRole; public smartsocketHost: Smartsocket; public socket: SocketIO.Socket | SocketIOClient.Socket; constructor(optionsArg: ISocketConnectionConstructorOptions) { this.alias = optionsArg.alias; this.authenticated = optionsArg.authenticated; this.role = optionsArg.role; this.side = optionsArg.side; this.smartsocketHost = optionsArg.smartsocketHost; this.socket = optionsArg.socket; // standard behaviour that is always true allSocketConnections.add(this); this.socket.on('disconnect', () => { plugins.smartlog.defaultLogger.log( 'info', `SocketConnection with >alias ${this.alias} on >side ${this.side} disconnected` ); this.socket.disconnect(); allSocketConnections.remove(this); }); } // authenticating -------------------------- /** * authenticate the socket */ authenticate() { let done = plugins.smartpromise.defer(); this.socket.on('dataAuth', (dataArg: ISocketConnectionAuthenticationObject) => { plugins.smartlog.defaultLogger.log( 'info', 'received authentication data. now hashing and comparing...' ); this.socket.removeListener('dataAuth', () => {}); if (helpers.checkPasswordForRole(dataArg, this.smartsocketHost)) { // TODO: authenticate password this.alias = dataArg.alias; this.authenticated = true; this.role = helpers.getSocketRoleByName(dataArg.role, this.smartsocketHost); this.socket.emit('authenticated'); plugins.smartlog.defaultLogger.log( 'ok', `socket with >>alias ${this.alias} >>role ${this.role} is authenticated!` ); done.resolve(this); } else { this.authenticated = false; this.socket.disconnect(); done.reject('not authenticated'); } }); this.socket.emit('requestAuth'); return done.promise; } // listening ------------------------------- /** * listen to function requests */ listenToFunctionRequests() { let done = plugins.smartpromise.defer(); if (this.authenticated) { this.socket.on('function', (dataArg: ISocketRequestDataObject) => { // check if requested function is available to the socket's scope plugins.smartlog.defaultLogger.log('info', 'function request received'); let referencedFunction: SocketFunction = this.role.allowedFunctions.find( socketFunctionArg => { return === dataArg.funcCallData.funcName; } ); if (referencedFunction !== undefined) { plugins.smartlog.defaultLogger.log('ok', 'function in access scope'); let localSocketRequest = new SocketRequest({ side: 'responding', originSocketConnection: this, shortId: dataArg.shortId, funcCallData: dataArg.funcCallData }); localSocketRequest.createResponse(); // takes care of creating response and sending it back } else { plugins.smartlog.defaultLogger.log( 'warn', 'function not existent or out of access scope' ); } }); this.socket.on('functionResponse', (dataArg: ISocketRequestDataObject) => { plugins.smartlog.defaultLogger.log( 'info', `received response for request with id ${dataArg.shortId}` ); let targetSocketRequest = helpers.getSocketRequestById(dataArg.shortId); targetSocketRequest.handleResponse(dataArg); }); plugins.smartlog.defaultLogger.log( 'info', `now listening to function requests for ${this.alias}` ); done.resolve(this); } else { let errMessage: 'socket needs to be authenticated first'; plugins.smartlog.defaultLogger.log('error', errMessage); done.reject(errMessage); } return done.promise; } // sending ---------------------- }