import * as plugins from './smartsocket.plugins'; import * as helpers from './smartsocket.helpers'; // import interfaces import { ISocketFunctionCall } from './smartsocket.classes.socketfunction'; // import classes import { Objectmap } from '@pushrocks/lik'; import { SocketFunction } from './smartsocket.classes.socketfunction'; import { SocketConnection } from './smartsocket.classes.socketconnection'; import { defaultLogger } from '@pushrocks/smartlog'; // export interfaces export type TSocketRequestStatus = 'new' | 'pending' | 'finished'; export type TSocketRequestSide = 'requesting' | 'responding'; /** * interface of constructor of class SocketRequest */ export interface SocketRequestConstructorOptions { side: TSocketRequestSide; originSocketConnection: SocketConnection; shortId: string; funcCallData?: ISocketFunctionCall; } /** * request object that is sent initially and may or may not receive a response */ export interface ISocketRequestDataObject { funcCallData: ISocketFunctionCall; shortId: string; responseTimeout?: number; } // export objects export let allSocketRequests = new Objectmap(); // export classes export class SocketRequest { public status: TSocketRequestStatus = 'new'; public side: TSocketRequestSide; public shortid: string; public originSocketConnection: SocketConnection; public funcCallData: ISocketFunctionCall; public done = plugins.smartpromise.defer(); constructor(optionsArg: SocketRequestConstructorOptions) { this.side = optionsArg.side; this.shortid = optionsArg.shortId; this.funcCallData = optionsArg.funcCallData; this.originSocketConnection = optionsArg.originSocketConnection; allSocketRequests.add(this); } // requesting -------------------------- /** * dispatches a socketrequest from the requesting to the receiving side */ public dispatch() { let requestData: ISocketRequestDataObject = { funcCallData: this.funcCallData, shortId: this.shortid }; this.originSocketConnection.socket.emit('function', requestData); return this.done.promise; } /** * handles the response that is received by the requesting side */ public handleResponse(responseDataArg: ISocketRequestDataObject) { plugins.smartlog.defaultLogger.log('info', 'handling response!'); this.done.resolve(responseDataArg.funcCallData); allSocketRequests.remove(this); } // responding -------------------------- /** * creates the response on the responding side */ public async createResponse(): Promise { const targetSocketFunction: SocketFunction = helpers.getSocketFunctionByName( this.funcCallData.funcName ); if (!targetSocketFunction) { defaultLogger.log( 'warn', `There is no SocketFunction defined for ${this.funcCallData.funcName}` ); defaultLogger.log('warn', `So now response is being sent.`); return; } plugins.smartlog.defaultLogger.log('info', `invoking ${}`); targetSocketFunction.invoke(this.funcCallData, this.originSocketConnection).then(resultData => { plugins.smartlog.defaultLogger.log('info', 'got resultData. Sending it to requesting party.'); let requestData: ISocketRequestDataObject = { funcCallData: resultData, shortId: this.shortid }; this.originSocketConnection.socket.emit('functionResponse', requestData); allSocketRequests.remove(this); }); } }