// tslint:disable-next-line:no-implicit-dependencies import { expect, tap } from '@push.rocks/tapbundle'; import * as smartsocket from '../ts/index.js'; let testSmartsocket: smartsocket.Smartsocket; let testSmartsocketClient: smartsocket.SmartsocketClient; let testSocketFunctionForServer: smartsocket.SocketFunction; let testSocketFunctionClient: smartsocket.SocketFunction; export interface IReqResClient { method: 'testFunction1'; request: { value1: string; }; response: { value1: string; }; } export interface IReqResServer { method: 'testFunction2'; request: { hi: string; }; response: { hi: string; }; } const testConfig = { port: 3000, }; // class smartsocket tap.test('should create a new smartsocket', async () => { testSmartsocket = new smartsocket.Smartsocket({ alias: 'testserver1', port: testConfig.port }); await testSmartsocket.start(); }); // class SocketFunction tap.test('should register a new Function', async () => { testSocketFunctionForServer = new smartsocket.SocketFunction({ funcDef: async (dataArg, socketConnectionArg) => { return dataArg; }, funcName: 'testFunction1', }); testSmartsocket.addSocketFunction(testSocketFunctionForServer); testSocketFunctionClient = new smartsocket.SocketFunction({ funcDef: async (dataArg, socketConnectionArg) => { return dataArg; }, funcName: 'testFunction2', }); testSmartsocket.addSocketFunction(testSocketFunctionForServer); }); // class SmartsocketClient tap.test('should react to a new websocket connection from client', async () => { testSmartsocketClient = new smartsocket.SmartsocketClient({ port: testConfig.port, url: 'http://localhost', alias: 'testClient1', autoReconnect: true, }); testSmartsocketClient.addSocketFunction(testSocketFunctionClient); await testSmartsocketClient.connect(); }); tap.test('should be able to tag a connection from client', async (tools) => { await testSmartsocketClient.addTag({ id: 'awesome', payload: 'yes', }); const tagOnServerSide = await testSmartsocket.socketConnections .findSync((socketConnection) => { return true; }) .getTagById('awesome'); expect(tagOnServerSide.payload).toEqual('yes'); }); tap.test('should be able to tag a connection from server', async (tools) => { await testSmartsocket.socketConnections .findSync((socketConnection) => { return true; }) .addTag({ id: 'awesome2', payload: 'absolutely', }); const tagOnClientSide = await testSmartsocketClient.socketConnection.getTagById('awesome2'); expect(tagOnClientSide.payload).toEqual('absolutely'); }); tap.test('should be able to make a functionCall from client to server', async () => { const response = await testSmartsocketClient.serverCall('testFunction1', { value1: 'hello', }); console.log(response); expect(response.value1).toEqual('hello'); }); tap.test('should be able to make a functionCall from server to client', async () => { const response = await testSmartsocket.clientCall( 'testFunction2', { hi: 'hi there from server', }, testSmartsocket.socketConnections.findSync((socketConnection) => { return true; }) ); console.log(response); expect(response.hi).toEqual('hi there from server'); }); tap.test('client should disconnect and reconnect', async (toolsArg) => { await testSmartsocketClient.disconnect(); await testSmartsocketClient.connect(); await toolsArg.delayFor(2000); expect(testSmartsocket.socketConnections.getArray().length).toEqual(1); }); // class smartsocket tap.test('should be able to switch to a new server', async (toolsArg) => { await testSmartsocket.stop(); testSmartsocket = new smartsocket.Smartsocket({ alias: 'testserver2', port: testConfig.port }); await testSmartsocket.start(); await toolsArg.delayFor(30000); }); tap.test('should be able to locate a connection tag after reconnect', async (tools) => { expect(testSmartsocket.socketConnections.getArray().length).toEqual(1); const tagOnServerSide = await testSmartsocket.socketConnections .findSync((socketConnection) => { return true; }) .getTagById('awesome'); expect(tagOnServerSide.payload).toEqual('yes'); }); // terminate tap.test('should close the server', async (tools) => { await testSmartsocketClient.stop(); await testSmartsocket.stop(); tools.delayFor(1000).then(() => process.exit(0)); }); tap.start();