import "typings-test"; import "should"; import socketIoClient = require(""); import smartsocket = require("../dist/index"); import q = require("q"); let testSmartsocket: smartsocket.Smartsocket; let testSmartsocketClient: smartsocket.SmartsocketClient; let testSocketRole1: smartsocket.SocketRole; let testSocketFunction1:smartsocket.SocketFunction; let testConfig = { port: 3000 } describe("smartsocket", function () { describe("class Smartsocket", function () { it("should create a new smartsocket", function () { testSmartsocket = new smartsocket.Smartsocket({ port: testConfig.port });; }); it("should start listening when .started is called", function () { testSmartsocket.startServer(); }); }); describe("class SocketRole", function(){ testSocketRole1 = new smartsocket.SocketRole({ name:"testRole1", passwordHash:"somehash" }) }) describe("class SocketFunction", function () { it("should register a new Function", function () { testSocketFunction1 = new smartsocket.SocketFunction({ funcName:"testFunction1", funcDef: (dataArg) => { let done = q.defer(); done.resolve(dataArg); return done.promise; }, allowedRoles:[testSocketRole1] }); }); }); describe("class SmartsocketClient", function () { it("should react to a new websocket connection from client", function (done) { this.timeout(10000); testSmartsocketClient = new smartsocket.SmartsocketClient({ port: testConfig.port, url: "http://localhost", password: "testPassword", alias: "testClient1", role: "testRole1" }); testSmartsocketClient.connect() .then(() => { done(); }); }); it("client should disconnect and reconnect", function (done) { this.timeout(10000); testSmartsocketClient.disconnect() .then(() => { let done = q.defer(); setTimeout(() => { testSmartsocketClient.connect() .then(done.resolve) }, 0) return done.promise; }) .then(() => { done(); }); }); it("2 clients should connect in parallel", function () { }); it("should be able to make a functionCall from client to server",function(done){ this.timeout(5000); testSmartsocketClient.serverCall("testFunction1",{ value1:"hello" }).then((dataArg) => { console.log(dataArg); done(); }); }); it("should be able to make a functionCall from server to client",function(done){ this.timeout(5000); let targetSocket = (() => { return smartsocket.allSocketConnections.find((socketConnectionArg)=>{ return socketConnectionArg.alias === "testClient1"; }); })(); testSmartsocket.clientCall("testFunction1",{ value1:"helloFromServer" },targetSocket).then((dataArg) => { console.log(dataArg); done(); }); }); }); describe("terminating smartsocket", function () { it("should close the server", function () { testSmartsocket.closeServer(); }); }) });