import * as plugins from './smartsocket.plugins'; import * as interfaces from './interfaces'; import { SocketConnection } from './smartsocket.classes.socketconnection'; import { ISocketFunctionCallDataRequest, SocketFunction } from './smartsocket.classes.socketfunction'; import { ISocketRequestDataObject, SocketRequest } from './smartsocket.classes.socketrequest'; import { SocketRole } from './smartsocket.classes.socketrole'; import { logger } from './smartsocket.logging'; /** * interface for class SmartsocketClient */ export interface ISmartsocketClientOptions { port: number; url: string; alias: string; // an alias makes it easier to identify this client in a multo client environment role: string; password: string; // by setting a password access to functions can be limited autoReconnect?: boolean; } export class SmartsocketClient { // a unique id public shortId = plugins.smartunique.shortId(); // the shortId of the remote we connect to public remoteShortId: string = null; public alias: string; public socketRole: SocketRole; public socketConnection: SocketConnection; public serverUrl: string; public serverPort: number; public autoReconnect: boolean; // status handling public eventSubject = new plugins.smartrx.rxjs.Subject(); public eventStatus: interfaces.TConnectionStatus = 'new'; public socketFunctions = new plugins.lik.ObjectMap>(); public socketRequests = new plugins.lik.ObjectMap>(); public socketRoles = new plugins.lik.ObjectMap(); constructor(optionsArg: ISmartsocketClientOptions) { this.alias = optionsArg.alias; this.serverUrl = optionsArg.url; this.serverPort = optionsArg.port; this.socketRole = new SocketRole({ name: optionsArg.role, passwordHash: optionsArg.password }); this.autoReconnect = optionsArg.autoReconnect; } public addSocketFunction(socketFunction: SocketFunction) { this.socketFunctions.add(socketFunction); this.socketRole.allowedFunctions.add(socketFunction); } /** * connect the client to the server */ public connect() { const done = plugins.smartpromise.defer(); logger.log('info', 'trying to connect...'); const socketUrl = `${this.serverUrl}:${this.serverPort}`; this.socketConnection = new SocketConnection({ alias: this.alias, authenticated: false, role: this.socketRole, side: 'client', smartsocketHost: this, socket: plugins.socketIoClient(socketUrl, { multiplex: false, reconnectionAttempts: 5, }) }); const timer = new plugins.smarttime.Timer(5000); timer.start(); timer.completed.then(() => { logger.log('warn', 'connection to server timed out.'); this.disconnect(); }); // authentication flow this.socketConnection.socket.on('requestAuth', (requestAuthPayload: interfaces.IRequestAuthPayload) => { timer.reset(); logger.log('info', 'server requested authentication'); // lets register the authenticated event this.socketConnection.socket.on('authenticated', () => { this.remoteShortId = requestAuthPayload.serverShortId; logger.log('info', 'client is authenticated'); this.socketConnection.authenticated = true; this.socketConnection.listenToFunctionRequests(); done.resolve(); }); // lets register the forbidden event this.socketConnection.socket.on('forbidden', async () => { logger.log('warn', `disconnecting due to being forbidden to use the ressource`); await this.disconnect(); }); // lets provide the actual auth data this.socketConnection.socket.emit('dataAuth', { role:, password: this.socketRole.passwordHash, alias: this.alias }); }); // handle connection this.socketConnection.socket.on('connect', async () => { this.updateStatus('connected'); }); // handle disconnection and errors this.socketConnection.socket.on('disconnect', async () => { await this.disconnect(); }); this.socketConnection.socket.on('reconnect_failed', async () => { await this.disconnect(); }); this.socketConnection.socket.on('connect_error', async () => { await this.disconnect(); }); return done.promise; } /** * disconnect from the server */ public async disconnect() { if (this.socketConnection) { await this.socketConnection.disconnect(); this.socketConnection = undefined; logger.log('ok', 'disconnected!'); } logger.log('warn', `disconnected from server ${this.remoteShortId}`); this.remoteShortId = null; this.updateStatus('disconnected'); if (this.autoReconnect) { this.tryDebouncedReconnect(); } } /** * try a reconnection */ public async tryDebouncedReconnect() { await plugins.smartdelay.delayForRandom(10000, 60000); await this.connect(); } /** * dispatches a server call * @param functionNameArg * @param dataArg */ public async serverCall(functionNameArg: T['method'], dataArg: T['request']): Promise { const done = plugins.smartpromise.defer(); const socketRequest = new SocketRequest(this, { side: 'requesting', originSocketConnection: this.socketConnection, shortId: plugins.smartunique.shortId(), funcCallData: { funcName: functionNameArg, funcDataArg: dataArg } }); const response = await socketRequest.dispatch(); const result = response.funcDataArg; return result; } private updateStatus (statusArg: interfaces.TConnectionStatus) { if (this.eventStatus !== statusArg) {; } this.eventStatus = statusArg; } }