import * as plugins from './smartsocket.plugins' import * as helpers from './smartsocket.helpers' // classes import { Objectmap } from 'lik' import { SocketFunction, ISocketFunctionCall } from './smartsocket.classes.socketfunction' import { SocketConnection } from './smartsocket.classes.socketconnection' import { SocketRequest } from './smartsocket.classes.socketrequest' import { SocketRole } from './smartsocket.classes.socketrole' export interface ISmartsocketConstructorOptions { port: number } export class Smartsocket { options: ISmartsocketConstructorOptions io: SocketIO.Server openSockets = new Objectmap() socketRoles = new Objectmap() constructor (optionsArg: ISmartsocketConstructorOptions) { this.options = optionsArg } /** * starts listening to incling sockets: */ startServer = () => { = plugins.socketIo(this.options.port)'connection', (socketArg) => { this._handleSocketConnection(socketArg) }) } closeServer = () => { this.openSockets.forEach((socketObjectArg: SocketConnection) => { plugins.beautylog.log(`disconnect socket with >>alias ${socketObjectArg.alias}`) socketObjectArg.socket.disconnect() }) this.openSockets.wipe() } // communication /** * allows call to specific client. */ clientCall (functionNameArg: string, dataArg: any, targetSocketConnectionArg: SocketConnection) { let done = plugins.smartq.defer() let socketRequest = new SocketRequest({ side: 'requesting', originSocketConnection: targetSocketConnectionArg, shortId: plugins.shortid.generate(), funcCallData: { funcName: functionNameArg, funcDataArg: dataArg } }) socketRequest.dispatch() .then((dataArg: ISocketFunctionCall) => { done.resolve(dataArg.funcDataArg) }) return done.promise } /** * adds socketRoles */ addSocketRoles (socketRolesArray: SocketRole[]): void { for (let socketRole of socketRolesArray) { this.socketRoles.add(socketRole) } return } /** * the standard handler for new socket connections */ private _handleSocketConnection (socketArg) { let socketConnection: SocketConnection = new SocketConnection({ alias: undefined, authenticated: false, role: undefined, side: 'server', smartsocketHost: this, socket: socketArg }) plugins.beautylog.log('Socket connected. Trying to authenticate...') this.openSockets.add(socketConnection) socketConnection.authenticate() .then(() => { return socketConnection.listenToFunctionRequests() }) .catch((err) => { console.log(err) }) } }