import 'typings-global' import * as plugins from './smartssh.plugins' import * as helpers from './smartssh.classes.helpers' export class SshKey { private _privKey: string private _pubKey: string private _hostVar: string private _authorized: boolean /** * the constructor for class SshKey */ constructor(optionsArg: {private?: string,public?: string,host?: string,authorized?: boolean}= {}) { this._privKey = optionsArg.private this._pubKey = optionsArg.public this._hostVar = this._authorized = optionsArg.authorized }; // get host(){ return this._hostVar }; set host(hostArg: string){ this._hostVar = hostArg }; // this.privKey get privKey(){ return this._privKey }; set privKey(privateKeyArg: string){ this._privKey = privateKeyArg }; // this.privKeyBase64 get privKeyBase64(){ return plugins.smartstring.base64.encode(this._privKey) } set privKeyBase64(privateKeyArg: string) { this._privKey = plugins.smartstring.base64.decode(privateKeyArg) } // this.pubKey get pubKey(){ return this._pubKey } set pubKey(publicKeyArg: string){ this._pubKey = publicKeyArg }; // this.pubKeyBase64 get pubKeyBase64(){ return plugins.smartstring.base64.encode(this._pubKey) } set pubKeyBase64(publicKeyArg: string) { this._pubKey = plugins.smartstring.base64.decode(publicKeyArg) } get authorized(){ return this._authorized } set authorized(authorizedArg: boolean){ this._authorized = authorizedArg } get type(){ if (this._privKey && this._pubKey) { return 'duplex' } else if (this._privKey) { return 'private' } else if (this._pubKey) { return 'public' } }; set type(someVlueArg: any){ console.log('the type of an SshKey connot be set. This value is autpcomputed.') } // methods read(filePathArg) { } store(dirPathArg: string) { plugins.fs.ensureDirSync(dirPathArg) let fileNameBase = if (this._privKey) { let filePath = plugins.path.join(dirPathArg,fileNameBase) plugins.smartfile.memory.toFsSync(this._privKey,filePath) plugins.shelljs.chmod(600,filePath) }; if (this._pubKey) { let filePath = plugins.path.join(dirPathArg,fileNameBase + '.pub') plugins.smartfile.memory.toFsSync(this._pubKey,filePath) plugins.shelljs.chmod(600,filePath) } } }