import "typings-global" import * as plugins from "./smartssh.plugins"; import * as helpers from "./smartssh.classes.helpers"; import {SshDir} from "./smartssh.classes.sshdir"; import {SshConfig} from "./smartssh.classes.sshconfig"; import {SshKey} from "./smartssh.classes.sshkey"; export class SshInstance { private sshConfig:SshConfig; // sshConfig (e.g. represents ~/.ssh/config) private sshDir:SshDir; // points to sshDir class instance. private sshKeyArray:SshKey[]; //holds all ssh keys private sshSync:boolean; // if set to true, the ssh dir will be kept in sync automatically constructor(optionsArg:{sshDirPath?:string,sshSync?:boolean}={}){ optionsArg ? void(0) : optionsArg = {}; this.sshDir = new SshDir(this,optionsArg.sshDirPath); this.sshKeyArray = this.sshDir.getKeys(); this.sshSync = optionsArg.sshSync; }; //altering methods addKey(sshKeyArg:SshKey){ this.sync("from"); this.sshKeyArray.push(sshKeyArg); this.sync("to"); }; removeKey(sshKeyArg:SshKey){ this.sync("from"); let filteredArray = this.sshKeyArray.filter((sshKeyArg2:SshKey) => { return (sshKeyArg != sshKeyArg2); }); this.sshKeyArray = filteredArray; this.sync("to"); }; replaceKey(sshKeyOldArg:SshKey,sshKeyNewArg:SshKey){ this.sync("from"); this.removeKey(sshKeyOldArg); this.addKey(sshKeyNewArg); this.sync("to"); }; // getKey(hostArg:string):SshKey{ this.sync("from"); let filteredArray = this.sshKeyArray.filter(function(keyArg){ return ( == hostArg); }); if(filteredArray.length > 0){ return filteredArray[0]; } else { return undefined; } }; get sshKeys():SshKey[] { this.sync("from"); return this.sshKeyArray; } sync(directionArg:string){ if(this.sshSync && directionArg == "from"){ this.sshDir.syncFromDir(); // call sync method of sshDir class; } else if(this.sshSync && directionArg == "to") { this.sshDir.syncToDir(); } else if(this.sshSync) { throw new Error("directionArg not recognised. Must be 'to' or 'from'"); } }; }