import { expect, tap } from '@pushrocks/tapbundle'; import * as smartssr from '../ts/index'; let testSSRInstance: smartssr.SmartSSR; tap.test('should create a valid smartssr instance', async () => { testSSRInstance = new smartssr.SmartSSR({ debug: true, }); }); tap.test('should start the smartssr instance', async () => { await testSSRInstance.start(); }); tap.test('should render', async (tools) => { await testSSRInstance.renderPage( '' ); }); tap.skip.test('should render', async () => { await testSSRInstance.renderPage(''); }); tap.skip.test('should render', async () => { const renderedPage = await testSSRInstance.renderPage(''); }); tap.test('should stop the smartssr instance', async () => { await testSSRInstance.stop(); }); tap.start();