import { expect, tap } from ''; import * as smartfile from ''; import * as smartstream from '../ts/index.js'; let testIntake: smartstream.StreamIntake; tap.test('should handle a read stream', async (tools) => { const counter = 0; const streamWrapper = new smartstream.StreamWrapper([ smartfile.fsStream.createReadStream('./test/assets/readabletext.txt'), new smartstream.SmartDuplex({ writeFunction: async (chunkStringArg: Buffer, streamTools) => { // do something with the stream here const result = chunkStringArg.toString().substr(0, 100); streamTools.push('wow =========== \n'); return Buffer.from(result); }, finalFunction: async (tools) => { return Buffer.from('this is the end'); }, }), new smartstream.SmartDuplex({ writeFunction: async (chunkStringArg) => { console.log(chunkStringArg.toString()); }, finalFunction: async (tools) => { tools.push(null); }, }) ]); // await; }); tap.test('should create a valid Intake', async (tools) => { testIntake = new smartstream.StreamIntake(); testIntake.pipe( new smartstream.SmartDuplex({ objectMode: true, writeFunction: async (chunkStringArg: string, streamTools) => { await tools.delayFor(100); console.log(chunkStringArg); return chunkStringArg; } }) ) .pipe(smartfile.fsStream.createWriteStream('./test/assets/writabletext.txt')); const testFinished = tools.defer(); let counter = 0; testIntake.pushNextObservable.subscribe(() => { if (counter < 50) { counter++; testIntake.pushData('hi'); testIntake.pushData('+wow'); testIntake.pushData('\n'); } else { testIntake.signalEnd(); testFinished.resolve(); } }); await testFinished.promise; testIntake.signalEnd(); }); tap.start();